Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Again, Who Are We At War With?

In following the news related to the recinding of Franklin Graham's invitation to speak at the Pentagon's Day of Prayer service, you begin to wonder if our government will really be able to protect us as citizens, should the need arize.

An article appeared on Jimmy DeYoungs web site entitled Islam: Don't Tread on Me, written by Col. Bob Maginnis. Lieutenant Colonel Robert (Bob) Maginnis, US Army (retired) is an experienced and internationally known expert on national security and foreign affairs. He currently serves as a national security and foreign affairs analyst for Moody Broadcasting Radio Network, Salem Radio Network, and is a regular guest on several other radio and television networks. During 2002-2003, he served as a Fox News military analyst. He is a Senior Strategist with BCP International Limited, an Alexandria, VA-based company where his primary duties involve working on multinational programs for the Department of the Army. Since October of 2002, Colonel Maginnis has been a member of the Secretary of Defense’s retired military analyst group. In 2007, he became the Executive Director for Checks for Heroes, a non-profit organization that capitalizes programs that help families of those killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. He also regularly contributes articles to Human Events, a conservative magazine.

In the article, he states "the ground truth about Islam is that it is undeniably linked to radicalism which endangers America and our military should not pretend otherwise." The complete article is too long to place here, but you can copy and paste this address into you browser to read. It would be well worth you time to read it.


America is still a great nation. I believe this because of why else would the world want us done away with, especially Islam?

Our greatness has been in the God we serve. We could very well say that we have a "pharoah" who knows not the one true God, therefore our nation is serving the "gods of baal."

Eli was a judge of Israel. He had two sons, who were priests, that led Israel into sin. When the boy Samuel was called by God in the night, God told him what would become of the nation and the family of Eli. True to His Word, God did what He said He would do.

Do you believe that we can do what God says not to do without His judgement coming upon us. We need to wake up from our sleep and hold up the banner of our Lord, because truly today would be a "good day to fly."

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