Monday, November 24, 2008

Class Tuesday!!!

Yes, finally we are having ABI Tuesday night! I will be teaching and we will be having Cold Cuts, Potato Soup, Sides, & Dessert. This will be our last class until January, so I hope everyone can come!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Medical Update - 11-17-08

MUSC called to inform me that my surgery for a new implant had been rescheduled for Tuesday, 11-18-08. Praise the Lord! Therefore our ABI Class will be cancelled for tomorrow night, but I do hope to be back the week following. It is my prayer that the implant will attack in the right position, that it will work, and that I will not experience any rejection.
I am thankful for your patience.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Class is Cancelled for Tonight

Medical Update
Yesterday, I saw my doctor at MUSC, and she has scheduled my for a new implant on December 2nd. She had scheduled me for Friday, November 21, but the hospital has cut back on all but emergency surgery on Fridays. In the mean time I am on stand by if she has a cancellation. The implant is in the right location, attached, and working, but it is not working hard enough. I told her she must have given me a Baptist eye. A few of the pumps are working in my cornea but not all of them. She laughed.
Now, she did say they could all begin to work at any time, but in the event they don't she is going to replace the implant. So, I need for you to continue to pray.