Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Personal Update 5

Praise the Lord I am scheduled at 11:45 today to return to surgery for the re-float procedure at MUSC. Please, pray that our Lord will guide Dr. Grice as she seeks to pressure the implant into position. This procedure worked with my right eye, for when I woke up in recovery I could see.
Prophecy Watch
The financial crisis continues to deepen, and this is having an impact worldwide. If we are living in the last days we will witness the introduction of a one world currency. Could this be the beginning of the death of the dollar?
The willingness to lead the Jews in their vision for a greater Israel appears to be gone. Olmert has issued statements that all of the land prior to 1967 must be given back to the Palestinians if they want peace, including, the division of Jerusalem. I don't believe God is pleased!
This sure would be a great day to fly!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Prophecy and Personal Update

First, I am still waiting to return to MUSC for the second procedure on my left eye which is scheduled for the 30th. This has been another learning experience which is teaching me patience. It is a blessing that I am not in pain, but I do have to be careful not to cause the implant to move. When I am up for an extended period of time it causes the pressure to go up in my eye, and I have to lay flat.
Prophetic Questions
  1. Does the current financial meltdown play a prophetic role? One of the cornerstones of prophecy is the one world economy. The price of the Wall Street failures are causing the worldwide value of the dollar to go down. Thus, the price of crude made the largest one day jump in history, $25.
  2. What does the change in Israeli politics mean? Olmert's hand picked successor, Livni, has promised to continue his peace at any price efforts. This includes the death of the vision of a greater Israel.
  3. Will Israel's enemies be content with the borders prior to 1967? If we can learn anything from history the answer is no. The British proposed a two state solution which was rejected. In fact, the War of 1948 following the recognition of Israel by the United Nations. The Six Day War was preemptive, because Egypt, Jordan, and Syria were on the verge of attempting to destroy Israel. Again, in 1973 Israel was attacked in an effort to destroy the home land of the Jews. Based on past experience it should be clear that a two state solution will only move the enemy another step closer to their ultimate goal. The destruction of Israel!
  4. When is the Feast of Trumpets this year? The Feast of Trumpets is a two day celebration beginning on sun down September 30th and ending on October 1st at sun down Jerusalem time. If the signs of the Blood Moons as taught by Mark Biltz are right, It sure is a good time to fly!
Luke 21
28 - And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
article worldnetdaily.com
Global Jihad
An Egyptian who fled Islam and now lives under that religion's sentence of death says the goal of global jihad simply is the takeover of the world.

The man, who now is a pastor in the United States and uses the pseudonym Muhammad Kemel, recently was interviewed by Joel Richardson, co-editor of "Why We Left Islam: Former Muslims Speak Out."

Kemel said Islamic tradition teaches that those who leave Islam should be killed, and Muhammad taught, "Whoever leaves his religion (Islam) kill him." And while the United States is not governed by Islam's Shariah religious law, many fundamentalist Muslims do not see Shariah law as being limited by national boundaries.

"Muslims all over the world are working hard to achieve [the] goal of submission of the entire world to Islam. They are particularly committed to the indoctrination of youth in madrassas, special Islamic schools, particularly in Pakistan and Indonesia," Kemel said.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Personal Update 4

ABI Class
The Lord willing we will meet tomorrow night. I am looking for to sharing with you some new insights I have taken from Psalms 83 and the Feast of Trumpets. These are truly exciting times!
Personal Update:
I have had 2 post-operative procedures that have not been successful in getting the implant to graft. Therefore, I am waiting to hear from MUSC to return to the surgery for a procedure called a "re-float". This is the same experience I had with my right eye last Spring, but "Praise the Lord for His many blessings" when I woke up in recovery I could see! So, I am praying that it will be same this time!
News and Views
  1. Hurricane Ike was devastating! We must pray for those living along the Gulf Coast who have suffered a great loss.
  2. The recent failure of Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, and Lehman Brothers cast a dark shadow over our financial future. AIG along with some other financial institutions may also go under. The impact of the weather disasters on the treasury will not be determined for some time.
  3. The election has revealed a national spiritual shift from a Biblical worldview to a secular one. In fact, for the first time in my memory, people of faith are penalized. A good example can be seen in the media treatment of Sarah Palin.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Personal Update 3

On Monday, I returned to MUSC for a followup procedure. Dr. Grice removed some fluid and placed air over the implant. Air holds the implant in place until the graft begins to take hold. Once the graft takes I have vision, because the implant contains pumpers that remove the fluid. that is impairing my vision. It could happen at any moment! Please keep praying!
Praise the Lord for answered prayer. Both prayer request I shared with you on Friday have been answered. PLT! Mrs. Lee is greatly improved and the Shumpert baby is doing better.
Are we really living in the last days for the Church? I certainly think so. The signs are apparent for all who are willing to look! The mainstream media who are conservative have little or no understanding of the Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ!
Sarah Palin's former pastor has been interviewed concerning his teaching on the Rapture. His challenge was how to relate a Bible event to those who do not have a literal Bible belief or knowledge.
I am amazed that those who do these interviews do not make an effort to have a knowledge of the subjects they are questioning. But, that is our day!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Personal Update

Praise the Lord for His many blessings. The procedure on my left eye went extremely well, except for one slight problem. I have had no pain or even discomfort. Of course, I have not been enthused over having to lie flat since the procedure.

So far I have not been able to see. I have fluid that is blocking my vision. This is similar to the problems I had following the same procedure on my right eye.

But, the implant is trying to work! PTL! The pumpers in the implanted lens just need to start pumping. Doctor Grice, my surgeon, is going to attempt some post operative procedures to see if she can jump start the pumps on Monday.

I need for you to pray that God will bless and this procedure will be successful. I also need for you to add Mrs. James Lee of Hendersonville, NC to your prayer list as well as Mark Shumpert, and 18 month toddler, who has received a head en jury. Mrs Lee is the wife of Brother James Lee a regional director for Frontier Baptist Mission. Mrs. Lee had emergency by pass surgery on the 5th, and she has experienced some complications. Baby Mark is the grandson of Teddy Shumpert also a fellow board member of FBMI. Apparently, he sustained a head en jury while playing on a playground, and he has undergone brain surgery. George Lowe, one of our faithful class memebers, has been have heart problems, and he stands in need of our prayers also.

Romans 8

28 - And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Prophecy Watch

The invasion of Russia into Georgia has the experts scratching their heads. Israeli intelligence is reporting that there were KGB agents stirring up things for months prior to Russia's action. It is also being reported that Russia bombed Israeli airfields in Georgia that were to be staging areas for the removable of Iran's nuclear bomb plants.

The weather has certainly served as a reminder that we are living in the last days! Apparently we have escaped serious damage from Hanna, but Ike is coming! It is being reported that there was a small quake on the West coast last night. By the way, the BBC is reporting flooding in Great Britain.

Monday, September 1, 2008


I will be leaving shortly for MUSC in Charleston where I will undergo a Cornea Transplant (DSEK) on my left eye tomorrow, the 2nd. For those who prayed for the success of the procedures on my right eye last March and April, I need for you to pray again.

James 5

16 - Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

The second procedure I had on my right eye on April 1 worked so well I am optimistic that I will have a similar experience on my left eye. But, I am confident that the one who holds the world in His hand will take good care of me. It is He who knows best. After all, I am His!

It is my desire that we will be able to continue our classes on September 9. I am also aware that it is not in my control. So, if the Lord is willing we will continue our time of study and fellowship at that appointed time.

Of course, the hurricanes and the election is dominating the news, and I would encourage you to join with me as we pray that all will be kept safe. I placed a call earlier to Brother Willie Pinder in the Bahamas to check on both he and Julianna, but I was unable to reach them. Hurricane Hanna could pose a threat to the Bahamas.

All eyes should be on Jerusalem, because an all out effort is being made by Secretary Rice to forge a peace covenant with Israel and the Palestinians. It is being reported that the Jews are willing to divide Jerusalem. How pleased can God be?
Please, place Brother Bill Sullivan on your prayer list he has been hospitalized, and it is our prayer he will be soon be released. He has been a faithful participate in the prophecy class since he and Becky joined the church.