Friday, August 27, 2010

Interesting Days

Would you have ever thought that in your life time, we would live to see our country, America, turn it's back on Israel and "throw them under the bus." But that is exactly what is happening today with the current administration.

This past week, Russia and Iran flaunted the start-up of Iran's first nuclear reactor in the faces of both America and Israel, and for all practical purposes, it showed how Russia will be a major player during the Tribulation period.

It is believed that Israel has revived its military option against Iran - especially since Iran activated the nuclear reactor at Bushehr on Aug. 21. I This may put the Obama administration under enormous pressure. This may also be why Obama sent the representatives to Jerusalem to try and check if an Israeli attack could be in the making. 

If you read Jeremiah 49:38 about Elam, you might understand the strategic importance of this location and End Time Prophecy. We have to realize it's not just about a nuclear reactor in a country that wants to destroy Israel off the face of the earth, although that is pretty big.

It is all about what God Himself is about to do. And that seem to be what everybody is missing.

We have never live in a day as today!

It sure would be “a good day to fly.”

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I Believe We Are very Close!

Zechariah 12:9:(KJV) And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.

Jeremiah 49:38 (KJV) And I will set my throne in Elam, and will destroy from thence the king and the princes, saith the LORD.

Elam is an ancient geographical location mentioned in the Bible. Today its location would be mainly in Iran with a small section in Iraq. It bordered with the ancient Babylonian Empire. The actual location of Elam would be the very northern end of the Persian Gulf and down along with the west coast of Iran.

Today one of main sections of ancient Elam would include Bushehr Province with the capital city of Bushehr. On a map of the Persian Gulf, Bushehr would be directly across from Kuwait.Bushehr is very important today because it is the location of Iran’s nuclear facility and has the attention of the world. Thus, the physical location of ancient Elam is critical today.

Elam was listed with the nations that assisted the Assyrians and Babylonians in their attacks against Jerusalem. The prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel all write blistering judgments against Elam.

The Prophet Jeremiah speaks the most about Elam, as he describes a severe judgment against Elam. In very powerful language God describes His fierce anger and judgment against Elam. The judgment against Elam is very intense with language that is only found in these verses. These verses are found in Jeremiah 49:34,35.

The context of Jeremiah 49 is judgment on nations that will be fulfilled during the Day of the LORD. The judgment against Elam was not fulfilled but will be in the future. The prophecy speaks of the people being driven off the land and scattered into all the world. This has never happened in recorded history. It also speaks of the God of Israel setting His throne in Elam. This has never happened. This is all future because this prophecy was never fulfilled. It appears that with Elam now the focus of world attention, God is about to fulfill it.

According to Obadiah 1:15, God judges nations in relation to what that nation does to Israel. The judgment as recorded in Jeremiah 49 indicates that Elam was a fierce enemy of Israel. It participated in two attacks on Jerusalem. Elam was with the Assyrians and assisted the Babylons in their attacks on Jerusalem. Now, Israel is once again a nation and ancient Elam/Iran is again trying to destroy Israel and capture Jerusalem. Iran wants to destroy Israel and drive the Jews into the entire world; therefore, Elam is going to be destroyed and the people scattered into the nations.

Right now Elam/Iran is a fierce enemy of Israel and wants to wipe Israel off the map. Literally, a nuclear reactor sits in Elam for the purpose of destroying Israel. Elam is Israel’s most dangerous enemy.

Elam/Iran is also the center of Shiite Islam which wants to conquer the world for Allah. It is the center of belief in the Mahdi who the Shiite Muslims believe will lead Islam to conquer the world. Elam can be viewed as the number one enemy of the God of Israel. Shiite Islam led by Elam/Iran is about to violently collide with God's End-Time prophetic plan as stated in the Bible.
Jeremiah records in verse 35 that God is going to break the bow of Elam which means its military power. In verse 36, the prophet states,

"And upon Elam will I bring the four winds from the four quarters of heaven..." This is the first time the term "Four winds" is used in the Bible. Later the Prophet Daniel uses this expression . It means fierce judgment. God is going to bring judgment from every angle and drive them off the land. A special judgment is decreed against Elam.

In verse 38, God is going to set His throne in Elam. This is an astonishing verse! This is the only nation other than Israel, where God states He is going to set His throne! It is clear from many scriptures that God is going to set His throne in His Holy Temple in Jerusalem. It appears that this verse is indicating that God's authority will be over Elam.
Right now Islam is the authority over Elam as Iran is the center of militant Islam and the promotion of the Mahdi to rule the world. Is God singling out Elam because it is the center of Islam's attempt to destroy Israel and take over the world? This verse shows that Islam will be broken and the nation that wanted the Mahdi to conquer the world will be under the authority of the God of Israel.

In verse 39, Jeremiah wrote that in the "Latter-Day" God would bring the people back to Elam. This means that during the reign of the Lord Jesus, God is going to show His mercy and bring the Elam/Iranians back into the land.

Awesome events are about to break over Elam. They have a nuclear reactor and are making plans to destroy Israel. Elam is preparing for the Mahdi and world conquest. The prophecy recorded in Jeremiah 49:34-39 is waiting to be fulfilled. It appears the time to judge Elam/Iran and Islam is at hand. The throne of the Lord Jesus will be over Elam.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Obama's Faith?

Again, much is being said and asked of exactly what is Obama’s faith.

This morning on Fox news, there was a segment concerning this very topic. The general thought of the discussion was that he doesn’t say what his faith really is. Or does he?

Last year in Egypt, he is quoted as saying he is Christian, and at the same time talked of his muslim heritage. He has also stated that our nation is no longer a Christian nation.

So, I guess the question would still be, what exactly is he?

The White House insisted on Thursday that President Barack Obama is a Christian who prays daily.

White House spokesman Bill Burton made the remarks hours after a poll showed that nearly one in five people, or 18 percent, said they think Obama is Muslim. That was up from 11 percent who said so in March 2009. The survey also showed that just 34 percent said Obama is Christian, down from 48 percent who said so last year. The largest share of people, 43 percent, said they don't know his religion.

As Obama headed out for a vacation, Burton told reporters aboard Air Force One that most Americans care more about the economy and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and "they are not reading a lot of news about what religion the president is."

Burton added, "The president is obviously a Christian. He prays everyday."

I wonder what Burton is smoking, because praying everyday doesn’t make one a Christian any more than sleeping in a garage makes one a car. It just don’t work that way!

When I think about this, my first thought would be that you cannot be a Christian and hold to the muslim belief at the same time, because the two concepts are diametrically opposed to each other.

This year, he would not have the White House involved in the National Day of Prayer. Yet this past week, he hosted a dinner in honor of Ramadan, and said that the muslin’s have the right to build a mosque near ground zero in New York City.

Maybe, just maybe, he is telling us what his faith is. Could it be that we are not listening? Like we are not listening to Yahweh?

It sure is “a good day to fly.”