Friday, August 20, 2010

Obama's Faith?

Again, much is being said and asked of exactly what is Obama’s faith.

This morning on Fox news, there was a segment concerning this very topic. The general thought of the discussion was that he doesn’t say what his faith really is. Or does he?

Last year in Egypt, he is quoted as saying he is Christian, and at the same time talked of his muslim heritage. He has also stated that our nation is no longer a Christian nation.

So, I guess the question would still be, what exactly is he?

The White House insisted on Thursday that President Barack Obama is a Christian who prays daily.

White House spokesman Bill Burton made the remarks hours after a poll showed that nearly one in five people, or 18 percent, said they think Obama is Muslim. That was up from 11 percent who said so in March 2009. The survey also showed that just 34 percent said Obama is Christian, down from 48 percent who said so last year. The largest share of people, 43 percent, said they don't know his religion.

As Obama headed out for a vacation, Burton told reporters aboard Air Force One that most Americans care more about the economy and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and "they are not reading a lot of news about what religion the president is."

Burton added, "The president is obviously a Christian. He prays everyday."

I wonder what Burton is smoking, because praying everyday doesn’t make one a Christian any more than sleeping in a garage makes one a car. It just don’t work that way!

When I think about this, my first thought would be that you cannot be a Christian and hold to the muslim belief at the same time, because the two concepts are diametrically opposed to each other.

This year, he would not have the White House involved in the National Day of Prayer. Yet this past week, he hosted a dinner in honor of Ramadan, and said that the muslin’s have the right to build a mosque near ground zero in New York City.

Maybe, just maybe, he is telling us what his faith is. Could it be that we are not listening? Like we are not listening to Yahweh?

It sure is “a good day to fly.”

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