Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 in Review

Since today is New Year's Eve this post will be looking through this past year's biggest worldwide news and giving readers a heads up on what to watch out for this upcoming year in the news. Enjoy.

Headlines of 2007:
The Annapolis Peace Conference is held in Maryland
Beneazir Bhutto is killed
Bird Flu is found in England,Pakistan, Afghanistan, Japan, Egypt, and other countries too
Foot and Mouth has small outbreak in England
Ebola has first signs of an epidemic in Uganda
VP Dick Chaney has many heart problems
PM Tony Blair leaves office
John Bolton leaves UN
Russia claims North Pole for oil
Russia begins flying planes near US and UK
Iran begins uranium enrichment program
Iran's President speaks at Columbia University
Al Gore wins Nobel Peace Prize
France elects PM Sarkozy
The US Presidential race begins heating up
There were many other headlines in 2007 as well

Everyone keep your eye on Pakistan and the entire Middle East as well. There are many things happening all over the world, so keep watching. Don't take your eyes off of Russia, China, and Iran there are many things that could happen to them in the upcoming year. Of course the presidential elections are coming upon us as well. Don't forget about our boarder problem with Mexico. Everyone also keep your eye on Venezuela too. The world is changing all of the time and so is the news, so keep watching. Remember that we just need to keep looking up!
Sign Ups for The Advanced Bible Institute begin Wednesday- so sign up!


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year 2008 Pastor. Looks like things (news) are picking up at a very fast pace. Thnak you for the posting.
Will see everyone Wednesday to sign up for our new ABI class.

Anonymous said...

Great summary of info. I wondered what you thought about Pakistan, etc. Can't wait for class to hear more. Thks for the info on class sign up...was wondering when it would begin.

Anonymous said...

very nice link from the Jerusalem Post. He deserves the notice--he is very talented.