Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Will Israel Surrender Jerusalem?

The miracles surrounding the rebirth of Israel are without equal in all of world history. Israel defied all odds in 1948 from the vote of the United Nations to surviving the onslaught of Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Jordan plus volunteers from other Islamic countries.

A quick study of the facts should prove to anyone with an open mind that Israel had to have had divine help to survive. This was only the beginning, because everyday since they have lived with extreme opposition. For them to exist everyday is a miracle!

The Six Day War led to the unification of Samaria, Judea, and Jerusalem. Again, in 1973, they were victorious when they faced a Pearl Harbor attack without any provocation.

Is it God's will for Israel to surrender that which God has enabled them to control? Will this surrender bring peace? Is God pleased?


Anonymous said...

Nice post!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to starting up our ABI class on the 22nd.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear more in class.

Anonymous said...

Great class last night--thanks for all your effort and work to make it such a great learning experience. Really looking forward to next one...