Monday, September 1, 2008


I will be leaving shortly for MUSC in Charleston where I will undergo a Cornea Transplant (DSEK) on my left eye tomorrow, the 2nd. For those who prayed for the success of the procedures on my right eye last March and April, I need for you to pray again.

James 5

16 - Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

The second procedure I had on my right eye on April 1 worked so well I am optimistic that I will have a similar experience on my left eye. But, I am confident that the one who holds the world in His hand will take good care of me. It is He who knows best. After all, I am His!

It is my desire that we will be able to continue our classes on September 9. I am also aware that it is not in my control. So, if the Lord is willing we will continue our time of study and fellowship at that appointed time.

Of course, the hurricanes and the election is dominating the news, and I would encourage you to join with me as we pray that all will be kept safe. I placed a call earlier to Brother Willie Pinder in the Bahamas to check on both he and Julianna, but I was unable to reach them. Hurricane Hanna could pose a threat to the Bahamas.

All eyes should be on Jerusalem, because an all out effort is being made by Secretary Rice to forge a peace covenant with Israel and the Palestinians. It is being reported that the Jews are willing to divide Jerusalem. How pleased can God be?
Please, place Brother Bill Sullivan on your prayer list he has been hospitalized, and it is our prayer he will be soon be released. He has been a faithful participate in the prophecy class since he and Becky joined the church.


Anonymous said...

Pastor Freddie,
You are in our prayers for a successful surgery and a complete recovery.

Anonymous said...

My prayers were with you during the surgery and continue for a speedy recorvery. I know God's anointing is upon you for you are much needed during these times.

Anonymous said...

My prayers were with you during your surgery and continue for a speedy recovery. I know God's anointing is upon you for you are much needed during these times.


Anonymous said...

We are thankful that the report from your surgery is positive so far, and are continuing praying for your complete, successful recovery. Take care and obey the doctor's and Ellen's orders:) Look forward to ABI meetings when you are able.