Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

This year is almost over and the number of prophetic events that have been fulfilled are beyond my comprehension. Since 1970, the year of my ordination, I have been intrigued with the study of prophecy. For almost 40 years I have studied the works of those who exhibited an understanding of this doctrine, but I failed to anticipate the speed at which things would take place. For example, this year we experienced $4 + a gallon gas, financial crisis, and the resumption of the Cold War! Each of these events occurred over night!

In October of 1978 I made my first pilgrimage to the Holy Land. I wanted to walk where Jesus walked, and I wanted to stand on the Mount of Olives where He ascended into Heaven and He will return. When we landed in the Holy Land I felt as if I was at home. I don't believe I slept two hours any night. My first visit to the Garden Tomb overwhelmed me with every emotion. I rejoiced that the tomb was empty! But, I grieved when I thought of the suffering He endured for me and all of mankind. The tomb was sealed by a huge round stone, and the slot that it rolled in was clearly visible upon entry. I thought of the events that must have taken place in the tomb on Resurrection Morning! I looked for the place when the grave clothes must have been found. I imagined the sounds of the stone being rolled away, and the angelic praises that must have filled the tomb.

Now, I am experiencing a similar experience, because I believe our Lord is soon to return! Today would be a great day to fly!

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