Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thinking Out Loud

First, I want to thank the Hickman Family for the work they put into the ABI Class. especially, "Little Lindsey". They sure have been a blessings. Lindsey has reworked our website, and she is encouraging everyone to bring a friend this Tuesday. She wants to see the class go over 100 in attendance. I just want to give them a great big thank you!

Now, It appears to me that the new administration is taking this opportunity to push forward an extremely aggressive liberal agenda, which will have an impact on all facets of public life. Ronald Reagan promoted an agenda that revolved around small government, where as, the current administration is 180 degrees in the other directions.

I would like to remind anyone who will listen that agencies that are controlled by governmental agencies do not have the best of track records. I would call to your attention agencies, such as, the Post Office, Social Security, VA Hospitals, and FEMA in New Orleans are government at its worst or best.

Now, I want you to consider how things are going to work with our banks, medical, and other national needs being regulated by "big government". In the near future people are going to be asking, "How did this happen?" During the campain we were warned that the new administration was going to bring a change.

In each interview the talking heads are quick to point out that they won, because the American public wanted a change. Remember Joe the Plummer! He raised the socialism question, taking money from those who have money and giving it to those who do not. Each person who support, "Change We Can Believe In", now, you see what it looks like.

In the past 30 days our government has been redefined! All of the stimulus has strings attached that erode state rights for those who recieve it. It appears to me that the current financial crisis is a Trojan Horse which is being used to enable the adoptions of the agenda of the far left. There has been little if any debate in the public arena. Further more, we are lead to believe this is all for our good.

It makes you wonder if those who are moderate are not concerned that the dramatic changes that have been forced on us could cause the demise of our great country? Now, I am thinking out loud. It makes one wonder what else they might have up their sleeve.

When I get a little more time I plan to go into more depth concerning living in a regulated society. It needs to be stated that godless communism has more religious liberty that we do. The difference is the communist regulate.

We need to think about the freedoms we are sacrificing. Our founding fathers made sacrifices for freedom. Now, we are sacrificing freedoms for what?


Anonymous said...

Good post, really liked it! We love doing ABI!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Pastor, for working so hard to share with us all about prophecy and how events unfold that have been already foretold. We are thankful for the opportunity to be a part of this forward-thinking class, and know it is a blessing to others to have this "small:)" group time to hear your thoughts. We appreciate your efforts, and are thankful for the opportunity to be a part of it all for God's glory.