Monday, May 11, 2009


I have hijacked Preacher's blog, as you can tell.Now we are going to play a game and see how long it takes him to notice. I think this will be a fun way to get him back to blogging, because if he doesn't start blogging his blog will remain pink, for all of the world to see, so how long do you think it will take for him to notice? Whoever guesses the closest time to when Preacher notices his blog has been girlified will when a prize! But there are rules:
1. You have to attend GSBC, so I will be able to give you a prize
2. You can not under any circumstances tell him to look at his blog or hint in any way about his blog to him or and friends or relatives. If you are caught doing this you will be disqualified.
3. You have to comment on the posts so I know that someone is actually reading what I have to say, I know I sound like a three year old, but hey I have a life.
* All rules are subject to change, and the winner is determined by me and only me so don't sue me if I don't pick you.

So let the contest begin!


Cinderita said...

I guess 7 days.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Cinderita for participating! I am so glad that someone is still reading this blog!