Thursday, June 11, 2009

June 11th Update

This has been another interesting news day.
  1. The up-coming elections in Iran will be interesting.
  2. Many are wondering if Bibi will endorse Obama's two state solution when he makes his speech next week.
  3. Many Israeli's are questioning the Obama administrations true intentions.
  4. North Korea continues to test their ballistic missiles.
  5. The war in Afghanistan continues to spell over into Pakistan.
  6. WHO has declared Swine Flu a worldwide pandemic.
  7. China has become a major player in the world financial markets.
We are witnessing the rewriting of history. Life will be either better or bitter, but I am certain they will not be the same. I see things getting better, because I am listening for the sound of the trumpet and the cry of the Archangel Gabriel. It time we look up, for it is a good day to fly!

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