Saturday, April 17, 2010

Big Brother Is Watching

Luke 21:28 (KJV) And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

Any serious student of the Bible will understand this verse speaks volumes in the day we live; this verse is what our faith and hope is grounded upon.

Never in our history as a nation, has so many personal freedoms been taken, or are being taken away from us as it is today. Our private lives are being watched, our personal finances are being monitored, places we go are being tracked, our communications are being listened in on, our purchases, yes those you made today in the mall, are being recorded and our preferences and decisions are being archived in permanent computer files.

You might say, "no one has that right," but even as you are reading this blog, someone is watching. And we have no real say so as to who, what, or when they do it.

What we are seeing, is leading up to a "world dictator", who will be in complete control of the world's population. This is part of the prophecy spoken of in the verse just quoted from Lukes Gospel, which, ultimately speaks of the coming antichrist.

This will have a scary effect on most people, but to the believer, this is "the blessed hope and soon glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ." If it were to be today, at this moment, are you ready to meet Him? You can be, just by asking Him to save you from your sin of rejecting Jesus as your Savior by asking Him to come into your heart and give you a new life. He will do it if you ask Him, because He loves you, (John 3:16).

Than, and only than will you be able to say, "it is a good day to fly." See you in the rapture.

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