Saturday, April 24, 2010

Outrage builds over Graham's rejection at Pentagon

Sometimes, as you read and listen to the news, one wonders just who we really are at war with.

The Council on American Islamic Relations, a group with ties to terrorism, had called on the Pentagon to disinvite Franklin Graham from speaking at this years National Day of Prayer service.

On Thursday afternoon, a spokesman for the U.S. Army said the Pentagon had rescinded its invitation to Graham -- founder of Samaritan's Purse -- to be the lead speaker at a May 6 Pentagon service held in conjunction with the National Day of Prayer. In a statement, Graham said he regrets the Army's decision and will continue to pray for the troops. The reason for the "dis-invite"? Graham's earlier comments about Islam were "not appropriate," said the Army. In 2001, the son of famed evangelist Billy Graham described Islam as "evil" following terrorist attacks. More recently, he has said he finds Islam offensive and wants Muslims to know that Jesus Christ died for their sins.

Tony Perkins is a pro-family leader who himself was disinvited from speaking at an Air Force event. He says it's an absolute outrage that the Army has caved to political correctness in disinviting Graham from taking part in an upcoming prayer event. Perkins, president of the Family Research Council (FRC), was similarly disinvited from speaking at a luncheon in February at Andrews Air Force Base outside Washington, DC, after he criticized President Obama's call for lifting the ban on homosexuals serving in the military.

He notes that political correctness has struck again. "Radical Islamists operate very much like radical homosexuals in that they don't mind screaming and playing the role of the victim and using special laws to protect them," Perkins comments.

"We don't even have many of those laws in place yet in this country like they do in Europe, but we have seen this environment of political correctness created by this administration -- and clearly the White House could step in at any time in any of these decisions that the military has made to disinvite Christian leaders, and they have not."

The FRC president believes this treatment of Franklin Graham clearly illustrates that the Obama administration is creating a hostile environment toward Christianity.

And yet, we know that these things, according to Revelation, must happen for the antichrist to be able to come into power during the tribulation period. There is the possibility that the Church may face a time of persecution, the likes of nothing that has happened before in the history of our nation, prior to the Rapture of the Church. What has happened in Europe, is about to take place here in the United States. Our present government will help to bring it in.

It sure looks like "a good day to fly."

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