Thursday, April 22, 2010

'Time for Israel to fall in line with US agenda'

An interesting article from Israel Today is once again proving that the Church could be out of here very soon.

Former US Ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk on Wednesday told Israel's Army Radio that the time has come for the Jewish state to fall in line with American foreign policy, or risk ruining its relationship with Washington.

"The shift in America's Middle East interests means that [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu must make a choice: Take on the president of the United States, or take on his right wing," said Indyk, who today is Vice President for Foreign Policy at the Brookings Institution in Washington and remains a top advisor to US President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Indyk was referring to Netanyahu's decision on Wednesday to reject Obama's demand that he freeze all Jewish construction in parts of Jerusalem claimed by the Palestinians. Obama presumably made the demand when the two leaders met behind closed doors at the White House last month. Netanyahu did agree to a number of other "confidence-building" gestures toward the Palestinians, but insisted that no Israeli leader could ever deny Jews the right to build in their own capital.

Indyk said that kind of attitude is going to do permanent damage to the traditionally-strong Israel-US relationship. The time has come, insisted Indyk, for Israel to choose between its relations with the West and its millennia-old dreams of resettling all of its God-given lands.
Indyk noted that Washington views Israeli settlements as detrimental to US national interests in the Middle East, and Israel's insistence on maintaining those settlements, including Jewish neighborhoods in eastern Jerusalem, has resulted in a "serious crisis."

He went on to suggest that Israel is obligated to fall in line with American interests since Israel is the beneficiary of so much US goodwill.

Somehow, we have forgotten what God's Word says about the blessings that a nation will receive from blessing God's people. It seems that our State Department has it backwards. No matter what and how much pressure the US puts on Israel, God is still in control, and His plan and purpose is being worked out in spite of what the US says. I pray that the eyes of our leaders would be opened, although this just shows you that today would be "a good day to fly"

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