In what appears to be a honeybee mystery of Armageddon proportions that has baffled scientists and beekeepers, more than one-third of the nation's commercial honeybee population is mysteriously disappearing – and researchers warn the unexplained phenomenon threatens one-third of the American diet.
Experts warn the implications for the world's agriculture are nothing to be ignored: according to the United States Department of Agriculture, a full one-third of the human diet depends on honeybee pollination of crops – especially fruit, nut, vegetable and seed production in the United States.
The list of crops that depend on honeybees is long: almonds, apples, apricots, avocadoes, blueberries, boysenberries, cherries, citrus fruits, cranberries, grapes, kiwi, loganberries, macadamia nuts, nectarines, olives, peaches, pears, plums, raspberries, strawberries, asparagus, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, cantaloupe, honeydew, onions, pumpkins, squash, watermelon, alfalfa hay and seed, cotton lint, cotton seed, legume seed, peanuts, rapeseed, soybeans, sugar beets and sunflowers.
It may be that the "one third" caught my attention first, and brought to mind the verse in Revelation 8:7 where it talks about the Angel sounding the first trumpet judgement and a third of all vegetation on earth was struck.
This verse is refering to the tribulation period, although we are experiencing the birth pangs, that will precede the most devasting time this world has ever seen. Once again, signs are every where. One only has to not be paying attention and not care what is happening. One of the last warnings in God's Word says that, "whosoever's name was not found recorded in the Lamb's Bool of Life was cast into the lake of fire." [Rev. 20:15]
What about you? What about your family and loved ones? Will you see them in the Rapture? Will they see you?
Ephesians 2:8-9 says that we are saved by grace through faith and there is nothing we can do to merit it. Christ did all it for us, and all we have to do is to accept His free gift. It is waiting for you if you will but take it.
It sure is a beautiful "day to fly."
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Do We Under Estimate God
Sometimes a little humor is much in order in the day that we live.
I am reminded of a story entitled THE PASTOR'S CAT...This particular story has given me a laugh every time I think about it, the vision of that poor cat just amuses me to no end. Hope the story leaves a bright spot in your day. A church member told this story about the pastor of his church. He had a kitten that climbed up a tree in his backyard and then was afraid to come down. The pastor coaxed, offered warm milk, etc. The kitty would not come down.
The tree was not sturdy enough to climb, so the pastor decided that if he tied a rope to his car and pulled it until the tree bent down, he could then reach up and get the kitten. And that's what he did, all the while checking his progress in the car.He then figured if he went just a little bit further, the tree would be bent sufficiently for him to reach the kitten.
Now I know what you are thinking; I did also when I first heard it.
But as he moved the car a little further forward, the rope broke. The tree went 'boing!' and the kitten instantly sailed through the air - out of sight. The pastor felt terrible. He walked all over the neighborhood asking people if they'd seen a little kitten. No. Nobody had seen a stray kitten. So he prayed, 'Lord, I just commit this kitten to your keeping,' and went on about his business.
A few days later he was at the grocery store, and met one of his church members. He happened to look into her shopping cart and was amazed to see cat food. This woman was a cat hater and everyone knew it, so he asked her, 'Why are you buying cat food when you hate cats so much?'
She replied, 'You won't believe this,' and then told him how her little girl had been begging her for a cat, but she kept refusing. Then a few days before, the child had begged again, so the Mom finally told her little girl, 'Well, if God gives you a cat, I'll let you keep it.'
She told the pastor, 'I watched my child go out in the yard, get on her knees, and ask God for a cat. And really, Pastor, you won't believe this, but I saw it with my own eyes. A kitten suddenly came flying out of the blue sky, with its paws outspread, and landed right in front of her.'
Lesson learned: Never underestimate the Power of God and His unique sense of humor.
Often I think of that story, but I wonder how much or how often do we underestimate God and His Word. We have heard for a long time now that Christ is coming back. Do we really believe it?
We hear of wars and rumors of war, but do we really believe that things are any different now than they were, say just 10 years ago?
We read the passage that says, "God's Spirit will not always strive with man forever,' but do we really believe it?
In light of the Rapture that could take place even today, when was the last time you had a compassion for those lost, in your family, in your home, at your place of work, at the grocery store or the mall.?
Do you really believe what God says or do you think, like many over the years, that we have heard this and yet He tarrys? That we still have time?
Are you underestimating God?
Surely, as we think of all that God has said, we know in our hearts that today "could be a good day to fly!" ARE YOU READY? IS YOUR FAMILY READY?
I am reminded of a story entitled THE PASTOR'S CAT...This particular story has given me a laugh every time I think about it, the vision of that poor cat just amuses me to no end. Hope the story leaves a bright spot in your day. A church member told this story about the pastor of his church. He had a kitten that climbed up a tree in his backyard and then was afraid to come down. The pastor coaxed, offered warm milk, etc. The kitty would not come down.
The tree was not sturdy enough to climb, so the pastor decided that if he tied a rope to his car and pulled it until the tree bent down, he could then reach up and get the kitten. And that's what he did, all the while checking his progress in the car.He then figured if he went just a little bit further, the tree would be bent sufficiently for him to reach the kitten.
Now I know what you are thinking; I did also when I first heard it.
But as he moved the car a little further forward, the rope broke. The tree went 'boing!' and the kitten instantly sailed through the air - out of sight. The pastor felt terrible. He walked all over the neighborhood asking people if they'd seen a little kitten. No. Nobody had seen a stray kitten. So he prayed, 'Lord, I just commit this kitten to your keeping,' and went on about his business.
A few days later he was at the grocery store, and met one of his church members. He happened to look into her shopping cart and was amazed to see cat food. This woman was a cat hater and everyone knew it, so he asked her, 'Why are you buying cat food when you hate cats so much?'
She replied, 'You won't believe this,' and then told him how her little girl had been begging her for a cat, but she kept refusing. Then a few days before, the child had begged again, so the Mom finally told her little girl, 'Well, if God gives you a cat, I'll let you keep it.'
She told the pastor, 'I watched my child go out in the yard, get on her knees, and ask God for a cat. And really, Pastor, you won't believe this, but I saw it with my own eyes. A kitten suddenly came flying out of the blue sky, with its paws outspread, and landed right in front of her.'
Lesson learned: Never underestimate the Power of God and His unique sense of humor.
Often I think of that story, but I wonder how much or how often do we underestimate God and His Word. We have heard for a long time now that Christ is coming back. Do we really believe it?
We hear of wars and rumors of war, but do we really believe that things are any different now than they were, say just 10 years ago?
We read the passage that says, "God's Spirit will not always strive with man forever,' but do we really believe it?
In light of the Rapture that could take place even today, when was the last time you had a compassion for those lost, in your family, in your home, at your place of work, at the grocery store or the mall.?
Do you really believe what God says or do you think, like many over the years, that we have heard this and yet He tarrys? That we still have time?
Are you underestimating God?
Surely, as we think of all that God has said, we know in our hearts that today "could be a good day to fly!" ARE YOU READY? IS YOUR FAMILY READY?
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Signs Of The Times Are Everywhere
It was good to be back in class last evening and listen to those telling about their experiences in the Holy Land, and than to look at Matthew 24 and relate it to what we see happening around us. If you watch with your spiritual eye, you can see almost moment by moment the rumblings going on in Heaven where, I believe, God Almighty is getting thing ready to tell His Son, "go get your Bride."
Several interesting articles are in the news this morning.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy reportedly told Israeli President Shimon Peres when the two met in Paris two weeks ago that the current failure of the Middle East peace process is almost entirely the fault of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Senior Israeli officials were briefed on the meeting recently, and told Ha'aretz under condition of anonymity that it was a "very difficult" encounter for Peres.
Sarkozy reportedly spent the first 15 minutes of the meeting railing against Netanyahu.
"I'm disappointed with him," the French president reportedly said.. "With the friendship, sympathy and commitment we have toward Israel, we still can't accept this foot-dragging. I don't understand where Netanyahu is going or what he wants."
Sarkozy's increasingly hostile position mirrors that of the Obama Administration, which has made clear that it sees Netanyahu and the right-wing elements in his government as the reason the peace process is not moving forward.
That despite the fact that Netanyahu has already gone against his election platform by publicly accepting the idea of a Palestinian state, has frozen Jewish building in Judea and Samaria and has repeatedly stated that he is ready to immediately restart direct bilateral negotiations with the Palestinians.
That Palestinian leaders outright refuse to sit with Netanyahu and discuss these issues has been almost completely ignored in Western capitals.
In another note, this is not new today, but is beginning to open the eyes of many church leaders today.
Pope Benedict has approved a new church provision that will allow non-Catholics and in particular, the Anglicans, to convert to Catholicism while at the same time, maintaining many of their distinctive spiritual and liturgical traditions.The Vatican made this decision in response to the disillusionment of some Anglicans over the election of openly gay bishops and the blessing of same sex marriage which has caused a major uproar in the Anglican church not only in England, but across the world.
This never-before provision for Protestants to become a part of the Catholic Church has many Protestant leaders concerned about the breakdown in doctrinal differences between the Catholics and Protestants that came out of the Reformation 500 years ago.
Revelation 17 predicts a worldwide church will be in operation during the seven year period of judgment known as the Tribulation. Could this be the beginning of the final curtain?
Also, Senior Obama Administration officials on Tuesday expressed frustration and anger over criticism leveled against them by Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat in a series of interview with American media.
Barkat is currently in Washington for meetings and interviews set up for him by top congressional leaders. During the interviews, he has constantly referred to US pressure on Israel to halt Jewish construction in eastern Jerusalem as "illegal," and has suggested that Obama is anti-Israel.
Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak is also in Washington, and during meetings with top administration officials, he has been pressed to reign in Barkat and halt what they called his unproductive behavior.
My heart rejoices to think that we "could fly today."
Several interesting articles are in the news this morning.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy reportedly told Israeli President Shimon Peres when the two met in Paris two weeks ago that the current failure of the Middle East peace process is almost entirely the fault of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Senior Israeli officials were briefed on the meeting recently, and told Ha'aretz under condition of anonymity that it was a "very difficult" encounter for Peres.
Sarkozy reportedly spent the first 15 minutes of the meeting railing against Netanyahu.
"I'm disappointed with him," the French president reportedly said.. "With the friendship, sympathy and commitment we have toward Israel, we still can't accept this foot-dragging. I don't understand where Netanyahu is going or what he wants."
Sarkozy's increasingly hostile position mirrors that of the Obama Administration, which has made clear that it sees Netanyahu and the right-wing elements in his government as the reason the peace process is not moving forward.
That despite the fact that Netanyahu has already gone against his election platform by publicly accepting the idea of a Palestinian state, has frozen Jewish building in Judea and Samaria and has repeatedly stated that he is ready to immediately restart direct bilateral negotiations with the Palestinians.
That Palestinian leaders outright refuse to sit with Netanyahu and discuss these issues has been almost completely ignored in Western capitals.
In another note, this is not new today, but is beginning to open the eyes of many church leaders today.
Pope Benedict has approved a new church provision that will allow non-Catholics and in particular, the Anglicans, to convert to Catholicism while at the same time, maintaining many of their distinctive spiritual and liturgical traditions.The Vatican made this decision in response to the disillusionment of some Anglicans over the election of openly gay bishops and the blessing of same sex marriage which has caused a major uproar in the Anglican church not only in England, but across the world.
This never-before provision for Protestants to become a part of the Catholic Church has many Protestant leaders concerned about the breakdown in doctrinal differences between the Catholics and Protestants that came out of the Reformation 500 years ago.
Revelation 17 predicts a worldwide church will be in operation during the seven year period of judgment known as the Tribulation. Could this be the beginning of the final curtain?
Also, Senior Obama Administration officials on Tuesday expressed frustration and anger over criticism leveled against them by Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat in a series of interview with American media.
Barkat is currently in Washington for meetings and interviews set up for him by top congressional leaders. During the interviews, he has constantly referred to US pressure on Israel to halt Jewish construction in eastern Jerusalem as "illegal," and has suggested that Obama is anti-Israel.
Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak is also in Washington, and during meetings with top administration officials, he has been pressed to reign in Barkat and halt what they called his unproductive behavior.
My heart rejoices to think that we "could fly today."
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Again, Who Are We At War With?
In following the news related to the recinding of Franklin Graham's invitation to speak at the Pentagon's Day of Prayer service, you begin to wonder if our government will really be able to protect us as citizens, should the need arize.
An article appeared on Jimmy DeYoungs web site entitled Islam: Don't Tread on Me, written by Col. Bob Maginnis. Lieutenant Colonel Robert (Bob) Maginnis, US Army (retired) is an experienced and internationally known expert on national security and foreign affairs. He currently serves as a national security and foreign affairs analyst for Moody Broadcasting Radio Network, Salem Radio Network, and is a regular guest on several other radio and television networks. During 2002-2003, he served as a Fox News military analyst. He is a Senior Strategist with BCP International Limited, an Alexandria, VA-based company where his primary duties involve working on multinational programs for the Department of the Army. Since October of 2002, Colonel Maginnis has been a member of the Secretary of Defense’s retired military analyst group. In 2007, he became the Executive Director for Checks for Heroes, a non-profit organization that capitalizes programs that help families of those killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. He also regularly contributes articles to Human Events, a conservative magazine.
In the article, he states "the ground truth about Islam is that it is undeniably linked to radicalism which endangers America and our military should not pretend otherwise." The complete article is too long to place here, but you can copy and paste this address into you browser to read. It would be well worth you time to read it.
America is still a great nation. I believe this because of why else would the world want us done away with, especially Islam?
Our greatness has been in the God we serve. We could very well say that we have a "pharoah" who knows not the one true God, therefore our nation is serving the "gods of baal."
Eli was a judge of Israel. He had two sons, who were priests, that led Israel into sin. When the boy Samuel was called by God in the night, God told him what would become of the nation and the family of Eli. True to His Word, God did what He said He would do.
Do you believe that we can do what God says not to do without His judgement coming upon us. We need to wake up from our sleep and hold up the banner of our Lord, because truly today would be a "good day to fly."
An article appeared on Jimmy DeYoungs web site entitled Islam: Don't Tread on Me, written by Col. Bob Maginnis. Lieutenant Colonel Robert (Bob) Maginnis, US Army (retired) is an experienced and internationally known expert on national security and foreign affairs. He currently serves as a national security and foreign affairs analyst for Moody Broadcasting Radio Network, Salem Radio Network, and is a regular guest on several other radio and television networks. During 2002-2003, he served as a Fox News military analyst. He is a Senior Strategist with BCP International Limited, an Alexandria, VA-based company where his primary duties involve working on multinational programs for the Department of the Army. Since October of 2002, Colonel Maginnis has been a member of the Secretary of Defense’s retired military analyst group. In 2007, he became the Executive Director for Checks for Heroes, a non-profit organization that capitalizes programs that help families of those killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. He also regularly contributes articles to Human Events, a conservative magazine.
In the article, he states "the ground truth about Islam is that it is undeniably linked to radicalism which endangers America and our military should not pretend otherwise." The complete article is too long to place here, but you can copy and paste this address into you browser to read. It would be well worth you time to read it.
America is still a great nation. I believe this because of why else would the world want us done away with, especially Islam?
Our greatness has been in the God we serve. We could very well say that we have a "pharoah" who knows not the one true God, therefore our nation is serving the "gods of baal."
Eli was a judge of Israel. He had two sons, who were priests, that led Israel into sin. When the boy Samuel was called by God in the night, God told him what would become of the nation and the family of Eli. True to His Word, God did what He said He would do.
Do you believe that we can do what God says not to do without His judgement coming upon us. We need to wake up from our sleep and hold up the banner of our Lord, because truly today would be a "good day to fly."
Monday, April 26, 2010
What Ever Happened To Sin?
Having been this morning catching up on the news from the weekend, it is interesting to see how people rationalize their sin. Maybe a definition of what sin really is, would be needed about right now. According to scripture, sin is an act of disobedience against a Holy God. God loved us and gave His only Son to be the sacrifice that was needed for our transgression, that being rejection of His Son in our lives [John 3:16].
In basketball or football terms, there are boundries that the game must be played in. To operate outside those boundries, you cannot play the game.
So it is with God. He set the boundries that we should live in in the first five books of the Bible. Sad to say, we have "lost" God's Word in many of our churches today. How many churches today in this land really rest upon the Word of God and preach it? Although there are still many faithful pastors, there are many who have departed from the faith. They have lost the Bible in church. Remember when Jesus was a boy, Mary and Joseph lost Him in the temple. Believe me, Jesus, as well as the Bible, is lost in the church today.
We also see this in 2 Kings 22, where God's Word was lost but found: And Hilkiah the high priest said unto Shaphan the scribe, I have found the book of the law in the house of the LORD. And Hilkiah gave the book to Shaphan, and he read it [2Kings 22:8].
Then we read, "And Shaphan the scribe shewed the king, saying, Hilkiah the priest hath delivered me a book. And Shaphan read it before the king" [2Kings 22:9-10].
Imagine this! Now Josiah is hearing the Word of God for the first time!
"And it came to pass, when the king had heard the words of the book of the law, that he rent his clothes" [2Kings 22:11].
The message God returns to Josiah through Huldah the prophetess, reveals God's justice.
"Thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will bring evil upon this place, and upon the inhabitants thereof, even all the words of the book which the king of Judah hath read:
Because they have forsaken me, and have burned incense unto other gods, that they might provoke me to anger with all the works of their hands; therefore my wrath shall be kindled against this place, and shall not be quenched" [2Kings 22:16-17].
When they lost God's Word, they lost the fear of God. And when you loose the fear of God, you lose the fear of sin. Many people think that today, if God sees our sin and doesn't stop us, that it is all right with Him and He has changed His mind. We, in America are setting the stage for the final curtain to go up.
And when it does, it will be a "good day to fly"
In basketball or football terms, there are boundries that the game must be played in. To operate outside those boundries, you cannot play the game.
So it is with God. He set the boundries that we should live in in the first five books of the Bible. Sad to say, we have "lost" God's Word in many of our churches today. How many churches today in this land really rest upon the Word of God and preach it? Although there are still many faithful pastors, there are many who have departed from the faith. They have lost the Bible in church. Remember when Jesus was a boy, Mary and Joseph lost Him in the temple. Believe me, Jesus, as well as the Bible, is lost in the church today.
We also see this in 2 Kings 22, where God's Word was lost but found: And Hilkiah the high priest said unto Shaphan the scribe, I have found the book of the law in the house of the LORD. And Hilkiah gave the book to Shaphan, and he read it [2Kings 22:8].
Then we read, "And Shaphan the scribe shewed the king, saying, Hilkiah the priest hath delivered me a book. And Shaphan read it before the king" [2Kings 22:9-10].
Imagine this! Now Josiah is hearing the Word of God for the first time!
"And it came to pass, when the king had heard the words of the book of the law, that he rent his clothes" [2Kings 22:11].
The message God returns to Josiah through Huldah the prophetess, reveals God's justice.
"Thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will bring evil upon this place, and upon the inhabitants thereof, even all the words of the book which the king of Judah hath read:
Because they have forsaken me, and have burned incense unto other gods, that they might provoke me to anger with all the works of their hands; therefore my wrath shall be kindled against this place, and shall not be quenched" [2Kings 22:16-17].
When they lost God's Word, they lost the fear of God. And when you loose the fear of God, you lose the fear of sin. Many people think that today, if God sees our sin and doesn't stop us, that it is all right with Him and He has changed His mind. We, in America are setting the stage for the final curtain to go up.
And when it does, it will be a "good day to fly"
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Abide in the Vine
"I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in Me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without Me.”—John 15:5
There are those who feel that they must be constantly laboring for the Lord in order to meet God's high standards. Jesus gave a clear picture of what our relationship to Him ought to be like. He is the vine, the source of our life. We are the branches, the place where fruit is produced. As we receive life from Christ, the natural, inevitable result is that fruit is produced in our lives.
In our zeal to produce “results” for our Lord, we sometimes become so intent on fruit production that we neglect abiding in Christ. We may feel that “abiding” is not as productive or that it takes too much time away from our fruit production. Yet Jesus said that it is not our activity that produces fruit, it is our relationship with Him.
Jesus gave an important warning to His disciples. He cautioned that if they ever attempted to live their Christian life apart from an intimate relationship with Him, they would discover that they ceased to produce any significant results. They might exert great effort for the kingdom of God, yet when they stopped to account for their lives, they would find only barrenness. One of the most dramatic acts Jesus ever performed was cursing a fig tree that had failed to produce fruit (Mark 11:14). Are you comfortable in abiding, or are you impatient to be engaged in activity? If you will remain steadfastly in fellowship with Jesus, a great harvest will be the natural by-product.
As we abide in Him we realize that today would be "a good day to fly."
There are those who feel that they must be constantly laboring for the Lord in order to meet God's high standards. Jesus gave a clear picture of what our relationship to Him ought to be like. He is the vine, the source of our life. We are the branches, the place where fruit is produced. As we receive life from Christ, the natural, inevitable result is that fruit is produced in our lives.
In our zeal to produce “results” for our Lord, we sometimes become so intent on fruit production that we neglect abiding in Christ. We may feel that “abiding” is not as productive or that it takes too much time away from our fruit production. Yet Jesus said that it is not our activity that produces fruit, it is our relationship with Him.
Jesus gave an important warning to His disciples. He cautioned that if they ever attempted to live their Christian life apart from an intimate relationship with Him, they would discover that they ceased to produce any significant results. They might exert great effort for the kingdom of God, yet when they stopped to account for their lives, they would find only barrenness. One of the most dramatic acts Jesus ever performed was cursing a fig tree that had failed to produce fruit (Mark 11:14). Are you comfortable in abiding, or are you impatient to be engaged in activity? If you will remain steadfastly in fellowship with Jesus, a great harvest will be the natural by-product.
As we abide in Him we realize that today would be "a good day to fly."
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Outrage builds over Graham's rejection at Pentagon
Sometimes, as you read and listen to the news, one wonders just who we really are at war with.
The Council on American Islamic Relations, a group with ties to terrorism, had called on the Pentagon to disinvite Franklin Graham from speaking at this years National Day of Prayer service.
On Thursday afternoon, a spokesman for the U.S. Army said the Pentagon had rescinded its invitation to Graham -- founder of Samaritan's Purse -- to be the lead speaker at a May 6 Pentagon service held in conjunction with the National Day of Prayer. In a statement, Graham said he regrets the Army's decision and will continue to pray for the troops. The reason for the "dis-invite"? Graham's earlier comments about Islam were "not appropriate," said the Army. In 2001, the son of famed evangelist Billy Graham described Islam as "evil" following terrorist attacks. More recently, he has said he finds Islam offensive and wants Muslims to know that Jesus Christ died for their sins.
Tony Perkins is a pro-family leader who himself was disinvited from speaking at an Air Force event. He says it's an absolute outrage that the Army has caved to political correctness in disinviting Graham from taking part in an upcoming prayer event. Perkins, president of the Family Research Council (FRC), was similarly disinvited from speaking at a luncheon in February at Andrews Air Force Base outside Washington, DC, after he criticized President Obama's call for lifting the ban on homosexuals serving in the military.
He notes that political correctness has struck again. "Radical Islamists operate very much like radical homosexuals in that they don't mind screaming and playing the role of the victim and using special laws to protect them," Perkins comments.
"We don't even have many of those laws in place yet in this country like they do in Europe, but we have seen this environment of political correctness created by this administration -- and clearly the White House could step in at any time in any of these decisions that the military has made to disinvite Christian leaders, and they have not."
The FRC president believes this treatment of Franklin Graham clearly illustrates that the Obama administration is creating a hostile environment toward Christianity.
And yet, we know that these things, according to Revelation, must happen for the antichrist to be able to come into power during the tribulation period. There is the possibility that the Church may face a time of persecution, the likes of nothing that has happened before in the history of our nation, prior to the Rapture of the Church. What has happened in Europe, is about to take place here in the United States. Our present government will help to bring it in.
It sure looks like "a good day to fly."
The Council on American Islamic Relations, a group with ties to terrorism, had called on the Pentagon to disinvite Franklin Graham from speaking at this years National Day of Prayer service.
On Thursday afternoon, a spokesman for the U.S. Army said the Pentagon had rescinded its invitation to Graham -- founder of Samaritan's Purse -- to be the lead speaker at a May 6 Pentagon service held in conjunction with the National Day of Prayer. In a statement, Graham said he regrets the Army's decision and will continue to pray for the troops. The reason for the "dis-invite"? Graham's earlier comments about Islam were "not appropriate," said the Army. In 2001, the son of famed evangelist Billy Graham described Islam as "evil" following terrorist attacks. More recently, he has said he finds Islam offensive and wants Muslims to know that Jesus Christ died for their sins.
Tony Perkins is a pro-family leader who himself was disinvited from speaking at an Air Force event. He says it's an absolute outrage that the Army has caved to political correctness in disinviting Graham from taking part in an upcoming prayer event. Perkins, president of the Family Research Council (FRC), was similarly disinvited from speaking at a luncheon in February at Andrews Air Force Base outside Washington, DC, after he criticized President Obama's call for lifting the ban on homosexuals serving in the military.
He notes that political correctness has struck again. "Radical Islamists operate very much like radical homosexuals in that they don't mind screaming and playing the role of the victim and using special laws to protect them," Perkins comments.
"We don't even have many of those laws in place yet in this country like they do in Europe, but we have seen this environment of political correctness created by this administration -- and clearly the White House could step in at any time in any of these decisions that the military has made to disinvite Christian leaders, and they have not."
The FRC president believes this treatment of Franklin Graham clearly illustrates that the Obama administration is creating a hostile environment toward Christianity.
And yet, we know that these things, according to Revelation, must happen for the antichrist to be able to come into power during the tribulation period. There is the possibility that the Church may face a time of persecution, the likes of nothing that has happened before in the history of our nation, prior to the Rapture of the Church. What has happened in Europe, is about to take place here in the United States. Our present government will help to bring it in.
It sure looks like "a good day to fly."
Friday, April 23, 2010
Will We See Revival
Studying prophecy and reading God's Word opens up your mind to a lot you don't ordinary think about. Sadly, we have many generations who know very little, if nothing at all, experientially, of true revival and spiritual awakening.
Over the years of ministry, especially in just the last fifteen, many Bible preachers and teachers have passed on to Glory, with not many, if any, to replace them.
In recent surveys of colleges and seminaries, many have said that they are in the ministry for fininacial gains, not the "Call of God upon their lives." Many churches today have big attendance, but very little outreach and soul winning. We have lost our "compassion" for the lost of our communities, and homes. There are four things needed to have Revival that are missing today in the Church.
The First need for today and this hour is Pervasive, Fervent Praying. All revival begins, and continues, in the prayer meeting. Some have also called prayer the "great fruit of revival." In times of revival, thousands may be found on their knees for hours, lifting up their heartfelt cries, with thanksgiving, to heaven.
In George Whitfield's time, overwhelmed by the Presence of God, people would pray and cry out to God throughout the night. Following a young girl's prayer, a youth meeting in South Africa was filled with the Presence of God, and the young people continued to pray for hours, issuing in the greatest revival during Andrew Murray's ministry. The great Moravian revival of 1727 began in prayer, and so overwhelmed were the people with the Presence of God, they were convicted to pray 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—and this lasted over 100 years, with astounding results around the world. In the 1904 revival in Wales, prayer was deep and crushing in the coal mines, in homes, in barns, along the roads, and in almost every place where people met. In Ulster (1859), more than 100 prayer meetings began instantly, even in graveyards and gravel pits. In New York City (1857), more than 30,000 people gathered daily to pray, and were "filled with the awesome Presence of God." Near the end of a prayer meeting in the city of Arnol, on the Scottish Isle of Lewis (1940s), a local blacksmith cried out: "Lord, Your honor is at stake!" At that moment the house shook and "dishes wave after wave of Divine Power swept through the house." When this group of people closed the prayer meeting and went outside, they found the community alive with the Presence of God; it was 5 a.m. in the morning.
Secondly there has to be Powerful, Scriptural Preaching. Powerful preaching is a hallmark of true revival. Concerning a sermon Whitfield preached in Scotland (1742), one present reported: "During the time of divine worship, solemn, profound reverence overspread every countenance. Many cry out in the bitterness of their soul. Some...from the stoutest men, to the most tender child, shake and tremble and a few fall down as dead....when the ...preacher speaks of redeeming Love, and talks of the precious Savior...all seem to breathe after Him...." From my perspective, many preachers in the pulpits today have no clue as to what this type of preaching really is.
Third there is the Agonizing, Uninhibited Confessions. When Holy God draws near in true revival, people come under terrible conviction of sin. The outstanding feature of spiritual awakening has been the profound consciousness of the Presence and holiness of God, "so overwhelming at times that people were afraid to open their mouths lest they utter words that would bring upon them the judgments of God. Sinners, overwhelmed by the Divine Presence, would fall helplessly, crying for mercy." Under the crushing gravity of even the smallest sins, people may be found for hours groaning and in awful distress, weeping bitterly and uncontrollably, sighing and sobbing anxiously and painfully. Entire congregations deal face-to-face with God about their sins, in open brokenness and contrition, with urgent prayers of repentance, pleading to God for mercy. Under deep conviction, missionaries, pastors, elders, and evangelists are found publicly confessing their sins. A missionary in Korea in 1907 wrote: "As the prayer continued, a spirit of heaviness and sorrow for sin came upon the audience. On one side, someone began to weep, and in a moment the whole audience was weeping. Man after man would rise, confess his sins, break down and weep, and then throw himself down on the floor and beat the floor with his fists in perfect agony of conviction." All are painfully (and joyfully) aware that this deep conviction is solely the work of God in their midst, and find great peace and joy in forgiveness.
Fourth there must be Countless, Radical Conversions. During true revival, thousands of lost people are suddenly swept into the Kingdom of God. Scenes of the lost coming to the Savior in great, and unprecedented numbers, are common. In the eastern states, during the revivals of 1858, conversions and baptisms quadrupled. During the Great Awakening in New England in the 1700s, between 25,000 and 30,000 were converted. When God visited Wales in 1859, it is estimated that 110,000 were added to the churches. In Korea between 1906 and 1910 the net gain of all the churches was nearly 80,000.Revival conversions demonstrate the radical act of becoming a new creation in Christ. Crime in awakened communities falls dramatically, sins and worldly pleasures are abandoned, and joyful worship and service to Christ and demonstrable love for one another become the way of life. Of one Parish where Duncan Campbell was used of God in the late 1940s, we read: "Revival had surely come! Campbell conducted four services nightly (for 5 weeks)—at 7 p.m., 10 p.m., midnight, and 3 a.m., returning home between 5 and 6 am.... Simultaneously (with 'desperate praying') the Spirit of God swept through the village. People could not sleep; houses were lit all night; people walked the streets in great conviction; others knelt by their bedsides crying for God to pardon them!.... Within 48 hours the drinking house was closed. Today it is in ruins. Fourteen young men who had been drinking there, were gloriously converted....; within 48 hours nearly every young person between the ages of 12 and 20 had surrendered to Christ, and it was reckoned that every young man between the ages of 18 and 35 could be found in the prayer meetings!"
One might ask, "can we see revival like that again?" We can if and when the conditions are met.
And the lord appeared to Solomon by night, and said unto him, I have heard thy prayer, and have chosen this place to myself for an house of sacrifice....If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land [2Chron. 7:12-14].
Once God's conditions are met, we will again see Revival. Sadly, many "Christians" are kinda hoping that God will get us out of the mess we are in, but what about our loved ones who do not know Christ as Lord and Savior. How can we be willing to leave them behind? When we have exhausted all avenues of telling them about this Savior, than and only than can we truly say "it is a good day to fly!"
Over the years of ministry, especially in just the last fifteen, many Bible preachers and teachers have passed on to Glory, with not many, if any, to replace them.
In recent surveys of colleges and seminaries, many have said that they are in the ministry for fininacial gains, not the "Call of God upon their lives." Many churches today have big attendance, but very little outreach and soul winning. We have lost our "compassion" for the lost of our communities, and homes. There are four things needed to have Revival that are missing today in the Church.
The First need for today and this hour is Pervasive, Fervent Praying. All revival begins, and continues, in the prayer meeting. Some have also called prayer the "great fruit of revival." In times of revival, thousands may be found on their knees for hours, lifting up their heartfelt cries, with thanksgiving, to heaven.
In George Whitfield's time, overwhelmed by the Presence of God, people would pray and cry out to God throughout the night. Following a young girl's prayer, a youth meeting in South Africa was filled with the Presence of God, and the young people continued to pray for hours, issuing in the greatest revival during Andrew Murray's ministry. The great Moravian revival of 1727 began in prayer, and so overwhelmed were the people with the Presence of God, they were convicted to pray 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—and this lasted over 100 years, with astounding results around the world. In the 1904 revival in Wales, prayer was deep and crushing in the coal mines, in homes, in barns, along the roads, and in almost every place where people met. In Ulster (1859), more than 100 prayer meetings began instantly, even in graveyards and gravel pits. In New York City (1857), more than 30,000 people gathered daily to pray, and were "filled with the awesome Presence of God." Near the end of a prayer meeting in the city of Arnol, on the Scottish Isle of Lewis (1940s), a local blacksmith cried out: "Lord, Your honor is at stake!" At that moment the house shook and "dishes wave after wave of Divine Power swept through the house." When this group of people closed the prayer meeting and went outside, they found the community alive with the Presence of God; it was 5 a.m. in the morning.
Secondly there has to be Powerful, Scriptural Preaching. Powerful preaching is a hallmark of true revival. Concerning a sermon Whitfield preached in Scotland (1742), one present reported: "During the time of divine worship, solemn, profound reverence overspread every countenance. Many cry out in the bitterness of their soul. Some...from the stoutest men, to the most tender child, shake and tremble and a few fall down as dead....when the ...preacher speaks of redeeming Love, and talks of the precious Savior...all seem to breathe after Him...." From my perspective, many preachers in the pulpits today have no clue as to what this type of preaching really is.
Third there is the Agonizing, Uninhibited Confessions. When Holy God draws near in true revival, people come under terrible conviction of sin. The outstanding feature of spiritual awakening has been the profound consciousness of the Presence and holiness of God, "so overwhelming at times that people were afraid to open their mouths lest they utter words that would bring upon them the judgments of God. Sinners, overwhelmed by the Divine Presence, would fall helplessly, crying for mercy." Under the crushing gravity of even the smallest sins, people may be found for hours groaning and in awful distress, weeping bitterly and uncontrollably, sighing and sobbing anxiously and painfully. Entire congregations deal face-to-face with God about their sins, in open brokenness and contrition, with urgent prayers of repentance, pleading to God for mercy. Under deep conviction, missionaries, pastors, elders, and evangelists are found publicly confessing their sins. A missionary in Korea in 1907 wrote: "As the prayer continued, a spirit of heaviness and sorrow for sin came upon the audience. On one side, someone began to weep, and in a moment the whole audience was weeping. Man after man would rise, confess his sins, break down and weep, and then throw himself down on the floor and beat the floor with his fists in perfect agony of conviction." All are painfully (and joyfully) aware that this deep conviction is solely the work of God in their midst, and find great peace and joy in forgiveness.
Fourth there must be Countless, Radical Conversions. During true revival, thousands of lost people are suddenly swept into the Kingdom of God. Scenes of the lost coming to the Savior in great, and unprecedented numbers, are common. In the eastern states, during the revivals of 1858, conversions and baptisms quadrupled. During the Great Awakening in New England in the 1700s, between 25,000 and 30,000 were converted. When God visited Wales in 1859, it is estimated that 110,000 were added to the churches. In Korea between 1906 and 1910 the net gain of all the churches was nearly 80,000.Revival conversions demonstrate the radical act of becoming a new creation in Christ. Crime in awakened communities falls dramatically, sins and worldly pleasures are abandoned, and joyful worship and service to Christ and demonstrable love for one another become the way of life. Of one Parish where Duncan Campbell was used of God in the late 1940s, we read: "Revival had surely come! Campbell conducted four services nightly (for 5 weeks)—at 7 p.m., 10 p.m., midnight, and 3 a.m., returning home between 5 and 6 am.... Simultaneously (with 'desperate praying') the Spirit of God swept through the village. People could not sleep; houses were lit all night; people walked the streets in great conviction; others knelt by their bedsides crying for God to pardon them!.... Within 48 hours the drinking house was closed. Today it is in ruins. Fourteen young men who had been drinking there, were gloriously converted....; within 48 hours nearly every young person between the ages of 12 and 20 had surrendered to Christ, and it was reckoned that every young man between the ages of 18 and 35 could be found in the prayer meetings!"
One might ask, "can we see revival like that again?" We can if and when the conditions are met.
And the lord appeared to Solomon by night, and said unto him, I have heard thy prayer, and have chosen this place to myself for an house of sacrifice....If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land [2Chron. 7:12-14].
Once God's conditions are met, we will again see Revival. Sadly, many "Christians" are kinda hoping that God will get us out of the mess we are in, but what about our loved ones who do not know Christ as Lord and Savior. How can we be willing to leave them behind? When we have exhausted all avenues of telling them about this Savior, than and only than can we truly say "it is a good day to fly!"
Thursday, April 22, 2010
'Time for Israel to fall in line with US agenda'
An interesting article from Israel Today is once again proving that the Church could be out of here very soon.
Former US Ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk on Wednesday told Israel's Army Radio that the time has come for the Jewish state to fall in line with American foreign policy, or risk ruining its relationship with Washington.
"The shift in America's Middle East interests means that [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu must make a choice: Take on the president of the United States, or take on his right wing," said Indyk, who today is Vice President for Foreign Policy at the Brookings Institution in Washington and remains a top advisor to US President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Indyk was referring to Netanyahu's decision on Wednesday to reject Obama's demand that he freeze all Jewish construction in parts of Jerusalem claimed by the Palestinians. Obama presumably made the demand when the two leaders met behind closed doors at the White House last month. Netanyahu did agree to a number of other "confidence-building" gestures toward the Palestinians, but insisted that no Israeli leader could ever deny Jews the right to build in their own capital.
Indyk said that kind of attitude is going to do permanent damage to the traditionally-strong Israel-US relationship. The time has come, insisted Indyk, for Israel to choose between its relations with the West and its millennia-old dreams of resettling all of its God-given lands.
Indyk noted that Washington views Israeli settlements as detrimental to US national interests in the Middle East, and Israel's insistence on maintaining those settlements, including Jewish neighborhoods in eastern Jerusalem, has resulted in a "serious crisis."
He went on to suggest that Israel is obligated to fall in line with American interests since Israel is the beneficiary of so much US goodwill.
Somehow, we have forgotten what God's Word says about the blessings that a nation will receive from blessing God's people. It seems that our State Department has it backwards. No matter what and how much pressure the US puts on Israel, God is still in control, and His plan and purpose is being worked out in spite of what the US says. I pray that the eyes of our leaders would be opened, although this just shows you that today would be "a good day to fly"
Former US Ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk on Wednesday told Israel's Army Radio that the time has come for the Jewish state to fall in line with American foreign policy, or risk ruining its relationship with Washington.
"The shift in America's Middle East interests means that [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu must make a choice: Take on the president of the United States, or take on his right wing," said Indyk, who today is Vice President for Foreign Policy at the Brookings Institution in Washington and remains a top advisor to US President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Indyk was referring to Netanyahu's decision on Wednesday to reject Obama's demand that he freeze all Jewish construction in parts of Jerusalem claimed by the Palestinians. Obama presumably made the demand when the two leaders met behind closed doors at the White House last month. Netanyahu did agree to a number of other "confidence-building" gestures toward the Palestinians, but insisted that no Israeli leader could ever deny Jews the right to build in their own capital.
Indyk said that kind of attitude is going to do permanent damage to the traditionally-strong Israel-US relationship. The time has come, insisted Indyk, for Israel to choose between its relations with the West and its millennia-old dreams of resettling all of its God-given lands.
Indyk noted that Washington views Israeli settlements as detrimental to US national interests in the Middle East, and Israel's insistence on maintaining those settlements, including Jewish neighborhoods in eastern Jerusalem, has resulted in a "serious crisis."
He went on to suggest that Israel is obligated to fall in line with American interests since Israel is the beneficiary of so much US goodwill.
Somehow, we have forgotten what God's Word says about the blessings that a nation will receive from blessing God's people. It seems that our State Department has it backwards. No matter what and how much pressure the US puts on Israel, God is still in control, and His plan and purpose is being worked out in spite of what the US says. I pray that the eyes of our leaders would be opened, although this just shows you that today would be "a good day to fly"
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
War Or Peace
We are living in the most extraordinary generation since our Lord walked in Jerusalem two thousand years ago. More prophecies have been fulfilled in our lifetime than in all the generations leading up to 1948. On May 15, 1948, Israel officially became a nation and the prophetic clock began ticking inexorably in the final countdown to the Battle of Armageddon and the return of the Messiah to establish His kingdom on earth.
The United Nations and the Arab states continue to call for the elimination of Israel's nuclear weapons. The introduction of nuclear weapons to Iran and the growing possibility of Libya, Syria and Iraq joining the nuclear club has altered the strategic balance. It is difficult to see how a balance of nuclear terror could continue for very long between Israel and the Islamic states who remain dedicated to its destruction. In Islamic religious philosophy they would gain paradise if they died a devastating war to cleanse the "infidels" from Jerusalem.
Several prophecies describe the revival of the Roman Empire in the end times to dominate Europe and the world as it did thousands of years ago in the days of Christ. The rise of the European Community is creating an economic and political superpower that is increasing its involvement in the Middle East. The prophet Daniel wrote that a future Antichrist will arise in the last days to control the revived Roman Empire. Daniel predicted that "He shall confirm a covenant with many for one week." This verse indicates that this future European dictator will confirm a treaty to defend Israel for seven years. The signing of this future treaty will start the final seven-year countdown to Armageddon, the climactic battle when Jesus Christ will defeat the armies of the world to establish His kingdom forever.
We are commanded by God to "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee" (Psalms 122:6). However, this interim peace agreement between the PLO and Israel may set the stage for the fulfillment of these tremendous prophecies leading to Christ's return in our generation. While we would rejoice at the prospects of a true peace in the Middle East we must recognize that the ancient prophets warned that a false peace will set the stage for the final conflict that will end with the Battle of Armageddon. The prophet Jeremiah warned that in the last days men would say "Peace, peace! When there is no peace" (Jeremiah 6:14). Our world will not know true peace until Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace comes. According to the Bible, real peace will only come to the Middle East when Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, changes the hearts of both the Arabs and the Jews.
We are nearing the end of our ntrip to the Holy Land. Please continue to pray for safe travels as we prepare to return home this weekend.
It will be a "Good Day To Fly
The United Nations and the Arab states continue to call for the elimination of Israel's nuclear weapons. The introduction of nuclear weapons to Iran and the growing possibility of Libya, Syria and Iraq joining the nuclear club has altered the strategic balance. It is difficult to see how a balance of nuclear terror could continue for very long between Israel and the Islamic states who remain dedicated to its destruction. In Islamic religious philosophy they would gain paradise if they died a devastating war to cleanse the "infidels" from Jerusalem.
Several prophecies describe the revival of the Roman Empire in the end times to dominate Europe and the world as it did thousands of years ago in the days of Christ. The rise of the European Community is creating an economic and political superpower that is increasing its involvement in the Middle East. The prophet Daniel wrote that a future Antichrist will arise in the last days to control the revived Roman Empire. Daniel predicted that "He shall confirm a covenant with many for one week." This verse indicates that this future European dictator will confirm a treaty to defend Israel for seven years. The signing of this future treaty will start the final seven-year countdown to Armageddon, the climactic battle when Jesus Christ will defeat the armies of the world to establish His kingdom forever.
We are commanded by God to "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee" (Psalms 122:6). However, this interim peace agreement between the PLO and Israel may set the stage for the fulfillment of these tremendous prophecies leading to Christ's return in our generation. While we would rejoice at the prospects of a true peace in the Middle East we must recognize that the ancient prophets warned that a false peace will set the stage for the final conflict that will end with the Battle of Armageddon. The prophet Jeremiah warned that in the last days men would say "Peace, peace! When there is no peace" (Jeremiah 6:14). Our world will not know true peace until Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace comes. According to the Bible, real peace will only come to the Middle East when Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, changes the hearts of both the Arabs and the Jews.
We are nearing the end of our ntrip to the Holy Land. Please continue to pray for safe travels as we prepare to return home this weekend.
It will be a "Good Day To Fly
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Just Thinking
One thing we are attempting with this blog, and the ABI web page, is to promote the books that we have available for those in the ABI class on Tuesday evenings. One of the books is Shadow Government by Grant R. Jeffrey. I spoke to this in Saturday's blog, but in an article on the American Family web site today, is one about a Philadelphia suburban school district secretly capturing at least 56,000 webcam photographs and screen shots from laptops issued to high school students. The Philadelphia Inquirer first reported Monday on the large number of images recovered from school servers by forensic computer experts, who were hired after student Blake Robbins filed suit over the tracking practice.
Robbins still doesn't know why the district deployed the software tracking program on his computer, as he had not reported it lost or stolen, his lawyer said.
The district photographed Robbins 400 times during a 15-day period last fall, sometimes as he slept in bed or was half-dressed, according to his lawyer, Mark Haltzman. Other times, the district captured screen shots of instant messages or video chats the Harriton High School sophomore had with friends, he said.
"Not only was Blake Robbins being spied upon, but every one of the people he was IM chatting with were spied upon," said Haltzman, whose lawsuit alleges wiretap and privacy violations. "They captured pictures of people that have nothing to do with Harriton. It could be his cousin from Connecticut."(School district admits to webcam spying, Maryclaire Dale - Associated Press Writer - 4/20/2010 8:25:00 AM)
Who, you may ask, really wants to control what I do?
"Government authorities, national security agencies, and businesses that market and sell consumer products know far more about you than most of your friends and family will ever know. People you will never meet have compiled personal information about the details of your daily life, place of residence, type of residence, spending habits, and financial assets. Government agencies justify the invasion of your privacy by reminding us of the threats posed by international terrorism, organized crime, the influx of illegial immigrants, and citizens who defraud the government as welfare cheats or tax evaders. Our life is also of great interest to foreign governments, (Shadow Government, Grant R. Jeffrey, Waterbrook Press, p21)
When you consider the events of Daniel and Revelation concerning the peroid know as The Tribulation, you begin to understand how the world dictator or ruller (antichrist) will be able to have control over every citizen of the New World Order. The economic condition we are in, the unrest and trouble in every nation, this is setting the stage for him to step up and take over, and the people of the world will submit and let him do it, even the Jew, because God will cause a strong delusion to come over the inhibitants of the world. So now, are you going to be with Christ in Heaven when this takes place, or will you be down here on earth. The choice will be yours.
It will be a "good day to fly."
Robbins still doesn't know why the district deployed the software tracking program on his computer, as he had not reported it lost or stolen, his lawyer said.
The district photographed Robbins 400 times during a 15-day period last fall, sometimes as he slept in bed or was half-dressed, according to his lawyer, Mark Haltzman. Other times, the district captured screen shots of instant messages or video chats the Harriton High School sophomore had with friends, he said.
"Not only was Blake Robbins being spied upon, but every one of the people he was IM chatting with were spied upon," said Haltzman, whose lawsuit alleges wiretap and privacy violations. "They captured pictures of people that have nothing to do with Harriton. It could be his cousin from Connecticut."(School district admits to webcam spying, Maryclaire Dale - Associated Press Writer - 4/20/2010 8:25:00 AM)
Who, you may ask, really wants to control what I do?
"Government authorities, national security agencies, and businesses that market and sell consumer products know far more about you than most of your friends and family will ever know. People you will never meet have compiled personal information about the details of your daily life, place of residence, type of residence, spending habits, and financial assets. Government agencies justify the invasion of your privacy by reminding us of the threats posed by international terrorism, organized crime, the influx of illegial immigrants, and citizens who defraud the government as welfare cheats or tax evaders. Our life is also of great interest to foreign governments, (Shadow Government, Grant R. Jeffrey, Waterbrook Press, p21)
When you consider the events of Daniel and Revelation concerning the peroid know as The Tribulation, you begin to understand how the world dictator or ruller (antichrist) will be able to have control over every citizen of the New World Order. The economic condition we are in, the unrest and trouble in every nation, this is setting the stage for him to step up and take over, and the people of the world will submit and let him do it, even the Jew, because God will cause a strong delusion to come over the inhibitants of the world. So now, are you going to be with Christ in Heaven when this takes place, or will you be down here on earth. The choice will be yours.
It will be a "good day to fly."
Monday, April 19, 2010
Netanyahu: Israel can only rely on itself
Interestingly enough, as we are in the Holy Land this week, is a couple of articles in Israel Today.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday reminded his fellow cabinet members that in the midst of Israel's most serious rift with the US in decades, they must remember that Israel can only truly rely on itself. Echoing the words of Zionist philosopher Theodor Herzl in 1901, Netanyahu said, "Don’t rely on help from strangers, don’t trust even the charitable and don’t wish for stones to grow soft, for the charitable give degrading charity at most, and stones do not soften. A nation that wishes to stand tall must place all its trust in itself only."
Netanyahu was addressing the cabinet on the day before Israel's Independence Day, which will begin at sunset on Monday, April 19.
And than another article caught my eye. Israeli army chief Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi firmly stated last week that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) view the Bible as the number one influence on its conduct and mission. "The IDF sees the Bible as a guide in the deep and practical sense of the word," said Ashkenazi. "It is no accident that the IDF swears in its soldiers with a weapon in one hand and the Bible in the other – a custom that reflects the uniqueness of the IDF and the deep bond of the Jewish people to the Book of Books." Ashkenazi made his remarks last Wednesday at the opening of the 47th annual International Bible Quiz for Youth in Jerusalem.
This brought to mind the account of Nehemiah rebuilding the wall and the obstacles that he faced: [Nehemiah 4:15-18 (KJV)] 15 And it came to pass, when our enemies heard that it was known unto us, and God had brought their counsel to nought, that we returned all of us to the wall, every one unto his work. 16 And it came to pass from that time forth, that the half of my servants wrought in the work, and the other half of them held both the spears, the shields, and the bows, and the habergeons; and the rulers were behind all the house of Judah. 17 They which builded on the wall, and they that bare burdens, with those that laded, every one with one of his hands wrought in the work, and with the other hand held a weapon. 18 For the builders, every one had his sword girded by his side, and so builded. And he that sounded the trumpet was by me.
What do you think would happen if we in America from the Presidant on down would respond as this passage said that Nehemiah did. He trusted in the "all sufficient one." What about you?
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday reminded his fellow cabinet members that in the midst of Israel's most serious rift with the US in decades, they must remember that Israel can only truly rely on itself. Echoing the words of Zionist philosopher Theodor Herzl in 1901, Netanyahu said, "Don’t rely on help from strangers, don’t trust even the charitable and don’t wish for stones to grow soft, for the charitable give degrading charity at most, and stones do not soften. A nation that wishes to stand tall must place all its trust in itself only."
Netanyahu was addressing the cabinet on the day before Israel's Independence Day, which will begin at sunset on Monday, April 19.
And than another article caught my eye. Israeli army chief Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi firmly stated last week that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) view the Bible as the number one influence on its conduct and mission. "The IDF sees the Bible as a guide in the deep and practical sense of the word," said Ashkenazi. "It is no accident that the IDF swears in its soldiers with a weapon in one hand and the Bible in the other – a custom that reflects the uniqueness of the IDF and the deep bond of the Jewish people to the Book of Books." Ashkenazi made his remarks last Wednesday at the opening of the 47th annual International Bible Quiz for Youth in Jerusalem.
This brought to mind the account of Nehemiah rebuilding the wall and the obstacles that he faced: [Nehemiah 4:15-18 (KJV)] 15 And it came to pass, when our enemies heard that it was known unto us, and God had brought their counsel to nought, that we returned all of us to the wall, every one unto his work. 16 And it came to pass from that time forth, that the half of my servants wrought in the work, and the other half of them held both the spears, the shields, and the bows, and the habergeons; and the rulers were behind all the house of Judah. 17 They which builded on the wall, and they that bare burdens, with those that laded, every one with one of his hands wrought in the work, and with the other hand held a weapon. 18 For the builders, every one had his sword girded by his side, and so builded. And he that sounded the trumpet was by me.
What do you think would happen if we in America from the Presidant on down would respond as this passage said that Nehemiah did. He trusted in the "all sufficient one." What about you?
It sure would be a "good day to fly."
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Are We Listening
Have you ever wondered why America has been so blessed. Oh, I know there are those who would not agree with todays blog, but there were those in the days of Israel at the opening of the promise land, after coming out of bondage in Egypt, that didn't believe what Moses was saying either. Read these words in Deuteronomy, chapter 8:
Deuteronomy 8:7-20 (KJV) 7 For the LORD thy God bringeth thee into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and depths that spring out of valleys and hills; 8 A land of wheat, and barley, and vines, and fig trees, and pomegranates; a land of oil olive, and honey; 9 A land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarceness, thou shalt not lack any thing in it; a land whose stones are iron, and out of whose hills thou mayest dig brass. 10 When thou hast eaten and art full, then thou shalt bless the LORD thy God for the good land which he hath given thee. 11 Beware that thou forget not the LORD thy God, in not keeping his commandments, and his judgments, and his statutes, which I command thee this day: ... 19 And it shall be, if thou do at all forget the LORD thy God, and walk after other gods, and serve them, and worship them, I testify against you this day that ye shall surely perish. 20 As the nations which the LORD destroyeth before your face, so shall ye perish; because ye would not be obedient unto the voice of the LORD your God.
We could insert the word America all throughout this scripture passage. What do you think will happen to America if we continue on the path we are on at this moment in time. All we have to do is look at the countrys in Europe to see where we will be.
Have you prayed for our President, our Vice-President, our (your) congressmen and senators, for God's wisdom to be upon them. There is still time to stem the tide, if we will but seek His face. If we don't, we will have no one to blame but ourselves.
With all that is happening, we just might be able to say today, "it is a good day to fly."
Deuteronomy 8:7-20 (KJV) 7 For the LORD thy God bringeth thee into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and depths that spring out of valleys and hills; 8 A land of wheat, and barley, and vines, and fig trees, and pomegranates; a land of oil olive, and honey; 9 A land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarceness, thou shalt not lack any thing in it; a land whose stones are iron, and out of whose hills thou mayest dig brass. 10 When thou hast eaten and art full, then thou shalt bless the LORD thy God for the good land which he hath given thee. 11 Beware that thou forget not the LORD thy God, in not keeping his commandments, and his judgments, and his statutes, which I command thee this day: ... 19 And it shall be, if thou do at all forget the LORD thy God, and walk after other gods, and serve them, and worship them, I testify against you this day that ye shall surely perish. 20 As the nations which the LORD destroyeth before your face, so shall ye perish; because ye would not be obedient unto the voice of the LORD your God.
We could insert the word America all throughout this scripture passage. What do you think will happen to America if we continue on the path we are on at this moment in time. All we have to do is look at the countrys in Europe to see where we will be.
Have you prayed for our President, our Vice-President, our (your) congressmen and senators, for God's wisdom to be upon them. There is still time to stem the tide, if we will but seek His face. If we don't, we will have no one to blame but ourselves.
With all that is happening, we just might be able to say today, "it is a good day to fly."
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Big Brother Is Watching
Luke 21:28 (KJV) And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
Any serious student of the Bible will understand this verse speaks volumes in the day we live; this verse is what our faith and hope is grounded upon.
Never in our history as a nation, has so many personal freedoms been taken, or are being taken away from us as it is today. Our private lives are being watched, our personal finances are being monitored, places we go are being tracked, our communications are being listened in on, our purchases, yes those you made today in the mall, are being recorded and our preferences and decisions are being archived in permanent computer files.
You might say, "no one has that right," but even as you are reading this blog, someone is watching. And we have no real say so as to who, what, or when they do it.
What we are seeing, is leading up to a "world dictator", who will be in complete control of the world's population. This is part of the prophecy spoken of in the verse just quoted from Lukes Gospel, which, ultimately speaks of the coming antichrist.
This will have a scary effect on most people, but to the believer, this is "the blessed hope and soon glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ." If it were to be today, at this moment, are you ready to meet Him? You can be, just by asking Him to save you from your sin of rejecting Jesus as your Savior by asking Him to come into your heart and give you a new life. He will do it if you ask Him, because He loves you, (John 3:16).
Than, and only than will you be able to say, "it is a good day to fly." See you in the rapture.
Any serious student of the Bible will understand this verse speaks volumes in the day we live; this verse is what our faith and hope is grounded upon.
Never in our history as a nation, has so many personal freedoms been taken, or are being taken away from us as it is today. Our private lives are being watched, our personal finances are being monitored, places we go are being tracked, our communications are being listened in on, our purchases, yes those you made today in the mall, are being recorded and our preferences and decisions are being archived in permanent computer files.
You might say, "no one has that right," but even as you are reading this blog, someone is watching. And we have no real say so as to who, what, or when they do it.
What we are seeing, is leading up to a "world dictator", who will be in complete control of the world's population. This is part of the prophecy spoken of in the verse just quoted from Lukes Gospel, which, ultimately speaks of the coming antichrist.
This will have a scary effect on most people, but to the believer, this is "the blessed hope and soon glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ." If it were to be today, at this moment, are you ready to meet Him? You can be, just by asking Him to save you from your sin of rejecting Jesus as your Savior by asking Him to come into your heart and give you a new life. He will do it if you ask Him, because He loves you, (John 3:16).
Than, and only than will you be able to say, "it is a good day to fly." See you in the rapture.
Friday, April 16, 2010
National Day of Prayer is unconstitutional
A federal judge in Wisconsin ruled the National Day of Prayer unconstitutional Thursday, saying the day amounts to a call for religious action. U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb wrote that the government can no more enact laws supporting a day of prayer than it can encourage citizens to fast during Ramadan, attend a synagogue or practice magic.
Congress established the day in 1952 and in 1988 set the first Thursday in May as the day for presidents to issue proclamations asking Americans to pray. The Freedom from Religion Organization, a Madison-based group of atheists and agnostics, filed a lawsuit against the federal government in 2008 arguing the day violated the separation of church and state.
The National Day of Prayer has never dictated who or what to pray to, it only acknowledges a time for those who choose to do so.
Slowly, everything that our Nation has stood for is being eroaded away from us, and we are letting it happen. As a Christian, we have a right, and a priveledge to stand for Biblical principles. If we don't, who will.
As we are in Israel this week, please to remember to 'pray for the peace of Jerusalem.' If ever Israel needed an ace-in-the-hole, it needs it now. With the Obama Administration's new Muslim favoring policy and the continued hostile attitude of the European Union toward the State of Israel, Israel has been left hanging in perilous winds without a friend. Today, the whole world is at best negative toward Israel, and at worst outright hostile toward its continued existence as a state. Many who teach prophecy believe the odds of Israel continuing as a state for more than ten more years are next to zero.
Truly, we are living in uncertain and difficult time, all around the world, not just in the US.
This would be a "good day to fly."
Congress established the day in 1952 and in 1988 set the first Thursday in May as the day for presidents to issue proclamations asking Americans to pray. The Freedom from Religion Organization, a Madison-based group of atheists and agnostics, filed a lawsuit against the federal government in 2008 arguing the day violated the separation of church and state.
The National Day of Prayer has never dictated who or what to pray to, it only acknowledges a time for those who choose to do so.
Slowly, everything that our Nation has stood for is being eroaded away from us, and we are letting it happen. As a Christian, we have a right, and a priveledge to stand for Biblical principles. If we don't, who will.
As we are in Israel this week, please to remember to 'pray for the peace of Jerusalem.' If ever Israel needed an ace-in-the-hole, it needs it now. With the Obama Administration's new Muslim favoring policy and the continued hostile attitude of the European Union toward the State of Israel, Israel has been left hanging in perilous winds without a friend. Today, the whole world is at best negative toward Israel, and at worst outright hostile toward its continued existence as a state. Many who teach prophecy believe the odds of Israel continuing as a state for more than ten more years are next to zero.
Truly, we are living in uncertain and difficult time, all around the world, not just in the US.
This would be a "good day to fly."
Thursday, April 15, 2010
The European Union
Another sign of the day we are living in is the EU.
The EU stands as the model of regionalization of sovereign states—a necessary step in the direction of globalization. Although the EU’s roots go back more than 60 years, the EU was officially created in June 1993, when a landmark treaty was signed in the city of Maastricht, Netherlands. The Maastricht Treaty established the basis for a common currency, a common judiciary, a common foreign policy, and a common military.
The European Union continued to expand its influence both politically and economically, emerging as a global power. In fact, Europe’s economy had grown steadily to surpass the GDP (gross domestic product) of the United States. The EU is currently comprised of 27 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Three additional countries are currently in the application for admittance process: Croatia, Macedonia, and Turkey
According to the Europa website, the 19 remaining European countries not included in the EU are: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Norway, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Switzerland, Ukraine, and the Vatican City State.
On December 1, 2009, the Treaty of Lisbon entered into force, thus ending several years of negotiation about institutional issues. The Treaty of Lisbon amended the existing European Union and European Commission treaties without replacing them. It lays the legal framework and tools necessary to “meet future challenges” by creating:
1. A more democratic and transparent Europe;
2. A more efficient Europe;
3. A Europe of rights and values, freedom, solidarity and security;
4. A Europe as an actor on the global stage.
I believe what we are seeing, is the beginning of what the anti-christ will be able to step up to and take over when the Rapture of the Church takes place
We are into our tour of Israel now. Please continue to keep us in your prayers.
It would be a "good day to fly." Maybe we'll see each other in the rapture, 'soon.'
The EU stands as the model of regionalization of sovereign states—a necessary step in the direction of globalization. Although the EU’s roots go back more than 60 years, the EU was officially created in June 1993, when a landmark treaty was signed in the city of Maastricht, Netherlands. The Maastricht Treaty established the basis for a common currency, a common judiciary, a common foreign policy, and a common military.
The European Union continued to expand its influence both politically and economically, emerging as a global power. In fact, Europe’s economy had grown steadily to surpass the GDP (gross domestic product) of the United States. The EU is currently comprised of 27 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Three additional countries are currently in the application for admittance process: Croatia, Macedonia, and Turkey
According to the Europa website, the 19 remaining European countries not included in the EU are: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Norway, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Switzerland, Ukraine, and the Vatican City State.
On December 1, 2009, the Treaty of Lisbon entered into force, thus ending several years of negotiation about institutional issues. The Treaty of Lisbon amended the existing European Union and European Commission treaties without replacing them. It lays the legal framework and tools necessary to “meet future challenges” by creating:
1. A more democratic and transparent Europe;
2. A more efficient Europe;
3. A Europe of rights and values, freedom, solidarity and security;
4. A Europe as an actor on the global stage.
I believe what we are seeing, is the beginning of what the anti-christ will be able to step up to and take over when the Rapture of the Church takes place
We are into our tour of Israel now. Please continue to keep us in your prayers.
It would be a "good day to fly." Maybe we'll see each other in the rapture, 'soon.'
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Iceland evacuates hundreds as volcano erupts again
Of an interesting note today is this news item.
A volcano under a glacier in Iceland erupted Wednesday for the second time in less than a month, melting ice, spewing smoke and steam, closing a major road and forcing hundreds of people to flee rising floodwaters.Authorities evacuated 800 residents from around the Eyjafjallajokull glacier as rivers rose by up to 10 feet (3 meters).Emergency officials and scientists said the eruption under the ice cap was 10 to 20 times more powerful than one last month, and carried a much greater risk of widespread flooding."This is a very much more violent eruption, because it's interacting with ice and water," said Andy Russell, an expert on glacial flooding at the University of Newcastle in northern England. "It becomes much more explosive, instead of a nice lava flow oozing out of the ground."
More and more, we are realizing that we are very close to the Rapture of the Church. This time before will be marked by Israel being surrounded and left out by itself. This is very evident concerning what our current administration is doing. We have been reminded agian by statments by former New York City mayor Ed Koch.
In an article this week, he said, "I weep as I witness outrageous verbal attacks and distortions on Israel. What makes them all the more painful is that they are being orchestrated by President Barack Obama."
"I weep today because my president, Barack Obama, in a few weeks has changed the relationship between the US and Israel from that of closest of allies to one in which there is an absence of trust. The contrast between how the president and his administration deals with Israel and how it has decided to deal with the Karzai administration in Afghanistan is striking."
He continues, "the Karzai administration, which operates a corrupt and opium-producing state, refuses to change its corrupt ways – the president’s brother is believed by many to run the drug traffic – and shows utter contempt for the US, yet is being hailed by the Obama administration as an ally and publicly treated with dignity. Karzai recently even threatened to join the Taliban if we don’t stop making demands on him.Nevertheless, The New York Times of April 10 reported “...that Mr. Obama had sent Mr. Karzai a thank-you note expressing gratitude to the Afghan leader for dinner in Kabul. ‘It was a respectful letter,’ General Jones said.”On the other hand, our closest ally has been demeaned and slandered, held responsible by the administration for our problems in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East. The plan I suspect is to so weaken the resolve of the Jewish state that it will be much easier to impose an American plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, leaving Israel’s needs for security in the lurch."
At this posting, we are somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean heading to the Holy Land and will arrive in Tel Aviv sometime around 11:00 PM their time. Please be praying for our travel group this week.
It sure would be a "good day to fly."
A volcano under a glacier in Iceland erupted Wednesday for the second time in less than a month, melting ice, spewing smoke and steam, closing a major road and forcing hundreds of people to flee rising floodwaters.Authorities evacuated 800 residents from around the Eyjafjallajokull glacier as rivers rose by up to 10 feet (3 meters).Emergency officials and scientists said the eruption under the ice cap was 10 to 20 times more powerful than one last month, and carried a much greater risk of widespread flooding."This is a very much more violent eruption, because it's interacting with ice and water," said Andy Russell, an expert on glacial flooding at the University of Newcastle in northern England. "It becomes much more explosive, instead of a nice lava flow oozing out of the ground."
More and more, we are realizing that we are very close to the Rapture of the Church. This time before will be marked by Israel being surrounded and left out by itself. This is very evident concerning what our current administration is doing. We have been reminded agian by statments by former New York City mayor Ed Koch.
In an article this week, he said, "I weep as I witness outrageous verbal attacks and distortions on Israel. What makes them all the more painful is that they are being orchestrated by President Barack Obama."
"I weep today because my president, Barack Obama, in a few weeks has changed the relationship between the US and Israel from that of closest of allies to one in which there is an absence of trust. The contrast between how the president and his administration deals with Israel and how it has decided to deal with the Karzai administration in Afghanistan is striking."
He continues, "the Karzai administration, which operates a corrupt and opium-producing state, refuses to change its corrupt ways – the president’s brother is believed by many to run the drug traffic – and shows utter contempt for the US, yet is being hailed by the Obama administration as an ally and publicly treated with dignity. Karzai recently even threatened to join the Taliban if we don’t stop making demands on him.Nevertheless, The New York Times of April 10 reported “...that Mr. Obama had sent Mr. Karzai a thank-you note expressing gratitude to the Afghan leader for dinner in Kabul. ‘It was a respectful letter,’ General Jones said.”On the other hand, our closest ally has been demeaned and slandered, held responsible by the administration for our problems in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East. The plan I suspect is to so weaken the resolve of the Jewish state that it will be much easier to impose an American plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, leaving Israel’s needs for security in the lurch."
At this posting, we are somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean heading to the Holy Land and will arrive in Tel Aviv sometime around 11:00 PM their time. Please be praying for our travel group this week.
It sure would be a "good day to fly."
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Greater Risk of Nuclear War
In listening to and watching the news, and as one studies the Bible, we are very much aware that we are in the last day, and that these, 'signs' are very real. We look at what is happening around the world and see how everything is fitting into place. The day we are living in is one of great expectation for us who are saved, and who are ready to fly when the trumphet is sounded, yet we also know, that it is not very good for our own nation in the direction that we are going. It is as though we have turned our backs on God, just as we can see in Deuternomy where God warns the people what would happen if they turned to other Gods.
Speaking at the Nuclear Security Conference Tuesday, U.S. President Barack Obama told epresentatives of 47 nations that the risk of nuclear war in the world was much higher now than it had been in the past. "Two decades after the end of the Cold War, we face a cruel irony of history - the risk of a nuclear confrontation between nations has gone down but the risk of a nuclear attack has gone up," Obama said, adding that it would be a “worldwide tragedy” if terror groups like Al-Qaida got hold of nuclear weapons.
And on another note, Iran said Tuesday that it expects to join the “world nuclear club” within a month. A report quoted Behzad Soltani, deputy head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, as saying that “No country would even think about attacking Iran after Iran's membership in the club.” A 360 megawatt nuclear power plant that will produce nuclear power is almost finished, he said.
But what really caught my attention was the next statement. Soltani added that Iran would use its nuclear power not just for energy. “Our next step would be expanding use of this technology for purposes other than energy and fuel production so that foodstuff, proteins and vegetables are preserved for a longer time and with a higher quality through radiation," he said.
Now if you truly believe that, I have a piece of 'prime ocean front property' for SALE in Utah.
And I saw this article concerning the temple.
The Temple Institute, engaged in education, research, and development towards the Holy Temple in accordance with Biblical law, recently held its 29th annual Temple Institute Passover Symposium, under the banner of "Integrating Modern Technology into the Holy Temple." Issues discussed included questions such as, “Will massive digital screens allow worshippers to observe the work of the High Priest from a great distance? Will computers be used to keep track of the sacrifices, public and private? Will special impurity-proof buses be used to transport Passover pilgrims and their Paschal offerings?” (
Now I can just imagine what those who are against overheads and power point presentations in worship services, will have to say about this one. I am laughing of course.
Well, tomorrow those going to the Holy Land will be flying out of Myrtle Beach, to walk in the paths where our Savior has walked. Be praying for the saftey and health of all going. Follow us on the blog each day.
It will be a 'Good Day To Fly.'
Speaking at the Nuclear Security Conference Tuesday, U.S. President Barack Obama told epresentatives of 47 nations that the risk of nuclear war in the world was much higher now than it had been in the past. "Two decades after the end of the Cold War, we face a cruel irony of history - the risk of a nuclear confrontation between nations has gone down but the risk of a nuclear attack has gone up," Obama said, adding that it would be a “worldwide tragedy” if terror groups like Al-Qaida got hold of nuclear weapons.
And on another note, Iran said Tuesday that it expects to join the “world nuclear club” within a month. A report quoted Behzad Soltani, deputy head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, as saying that “No country would even think about attacking Iran after Iran's membership in the club.” A 360 megawatt nuclear power plant that will produce nuclear power is almost finished, he said.
But what really caught my attention was the next statement. Soltani added that Iran would use its nuclear power not just for energy. “Our next step would be expanding use of this technology for purposes other than energy and fuel production so that foodstuff, proteins and vegetables are preserved for a longer time and with a higher quality through radiation," he said.
Now if you truly believe that, I have a piece of 'prime ocean front property' for SALE in Utah.
And I saw this article concerning the temple.
The Temple Institute, engaged in education, research, and development towards the Holy Temple in accordance with Biblical law, recently held its 29th annual Temple Institute Passover Symposium, under the banner of "Integrating Modern Technology into the Holy Temple." Issues discussed included questions such as, “Will massive digital screens allow worshippers to observe the work of the High Priest from a great distance? Will computers be used to keep track of the sacrifices, public and private? Will special impurity-proof buses be used to transport Passover pilgrims and their Paschal offerings?” (
Now I can just imagine what those who are against overheads and power point presentations in worship services, will have to say about this one. I am laughing of course.
Well, tomorrow those going to the Holy Land will be flying out of Myrtle Beach, to walk in the paths where our Savior has walked. Be praying for the saftey and health of all going. Follow us on the blog each day.
It will be a 'Good Day To Fly.'
Monday, April 12, 2010
We Are Getting Closer
Those who study and watch prophecy realize that each new day could very well be the day that we could fly.
Several news articles caught my attention today.
Who knew the most pro-abortion president in the history of the United States would so effectively obliterate the deceptive front the abortion movement has been able to sustain for nearly 40 years? But hats off to Mr. Obama for a job well done.
If nothing else, Barack Obama and company just accomplished proving something pro-lifers have been fighting to demonstrate for 40 years. The abortion movement has never been about choice. It's never been about privacy. It's never been about personal liberty. It's always been about a macabre obsession with advancing a legal right to kill kids for convenience. That's pure, unadulterated evil.
In another article, a scholar and bestselling author says it will be very difficult to reverse the socialist policies of Barack Obama, even if Republicans take over control of Congress next year.
Dr. Jerome Corsi is author of the 2008 New York Times bestseller The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality (Threshold Editions, August 2008), which was recently released in paperback. He says since taking office, Obama has taken the American government in an ideologically left direction, as he warned about in the book. Corsi says the president is determined to transform the United States into a European-style social welfare state. But he believes Obama's agenda has proven to be enormously unpopular and will cost the Democrats dearly in the upcoming midterm elections. "I'm not sure what it will take to reverse the United States back into a market economy after we're got this much entitlement programs," notes the author. "The social welfare state here is beginning to look like the social welfare state in Greece -- and they're very difficult to reverse." As he puts it, when that happens "people riot in the streets if you try to take away their benefits -- even when the government can't pay for it."
Holocaust could happen again, warns expert
In Israel today, as it does every year on the 27th day of the Hebrew month of Nisan, Israel came to a standstill at 10 AM as air raid sirens blared across the country commemorating the senseless massacre of six million Jews in the Nazi Holocaust.
As memorial ceremonies were held at several locations, a prominent Israeli-British historian warned that the slogan "Never Again" is fading, and that there is a very real possibility for a repeat of the Holocaust.
In his new book "A Lethal Obsession: Anti-Semitism from Antiquity to the Global Jihad," Hebrew University Professor Robert Wistrich explains that the politics and social attitudes that gave rise to and allowed the Nazi Holocaust to occur are still very much with us. "We are in an era once again where the Jews are facing genocidal threats as a people," Wistrich said in an interview with Ha'aretz. "We have not been in that situation for quite a while. And maybe this is the first time since the Holocaust that Jews feel that this is palpable." Wistrich also acknowledged the enormous rise in anti-Semitism in Europe in recent years, fueled largely by more brazen Muslim populations there. An annual study done by Tel Aviv University titled "Anti-Semitism Worldwide" revealed that attacks on and harassment of Jews doubled in 2009, especially in Europe and Canada.
In 2008 there were 559 reported incidents of anti-Semitism worldwide. In 2009 that number jumped to 1,129. The UK was the biggest offender, with anti-Semitic incidents there increasing from 112 in 2008 to 374 in 2009. France was close behind, with 50 anti-Semitic incidents in 2008 and 195 in 2009. Canada saw an increase from just 13 anti-Semitic incidents in 2008 to 138 incidents in 2009. The report noted that the enormous jump in just one year can be attributed to the blurring of lines between hatred of Jews as a people and condemnation of Israel as a nation. In other words, and as many Israelis and friends of Israel have warned, anti-Israel sentiment is the new anti-Semitism.
In another note, a top US energy industry expert believes Israel is going to soon experience an "oil and gas rush" by major Western energy development companies. A natural gas field off Israel's Mediterranean coast had drawn the attention of every major Western energy company.
Israeli companies Delek and Isramco have already tapped the natural gas field, together with British energy giant Noble Energy.
That could mean an enormous economic boom for Israel and its transformation overnight into a major international energy exporter.
Is Obama targeting Israel's nuclear program? Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided suddenly late last week to not attend this week's US-hosted nuclear arms summit. Israeli Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Atomic Affairs Dan Meridor will represent Israel in Netanyahu's stead.
According to Netanyahu's office, the decision was made after learning that Egypt and Turkey intended to turn the summit into an international effort to bring an end to Israel's nuclear program. Without the Israeli leader in attendance, it will be much more difficult to do that.
But Israel's Ma'ariv daily newspaper reported just before the weekend that it may not have been only Egypt and Turkey that planned to ambush Netanyahu.
Scientists at Israel's nuclear reactor in Dimona told the newspaper that for the past several months, they have been unable to obtain visas to enter the US and attend American universities, where in the past they regularly advanced their knowledge in the fields of physics, chemistry and nuclear engineering.
The scientists said the Obama Administration has placed an unofficial embargo on parts and supplies needed for the Dimona reactor.
Is it possible that Obama himself intended to strong-arm Netanyahu into finally signing Israel up to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty? Considering tensions between the two leaders in recent months and Obama's near-outright hostility toward Israel, many in Jerusalem believe that to be the case.
As is the case after a weekend, Monday mornings news headlines again reafirm that we are living in the last day. Along with the headlines of the latest earthquakes that are happening almost daily, the increase in unrest among the nations, the economic hardships, the breaking down of marriages and homes, the lack of being a witness of what God has done in our own lives, truly. it would "be a good day to fly." KEEP LOOKING UP!
Several news articles caught my attention today.
Who knew the most pro-abortion president in the history of the United States would so effectively obliterate the deceptive front the abortion movement has been able to sustain for nearly 40 years? But hats off to Mr. Obama for a job well done.
If nothing else, Barack Obama and company just accomplished proving something pro-lifers have been fighting to demonstrate for 40 years. The abortion movement has never been about choice. It's never been about privacy. It's never been about personal liberty. It's always been about a macabre obsession with advancing a legal right to kill kids for convenience. That's pure, unadulterated evil.
In another article, a scholar and bestselling author says it will be very difficult to reverse the socialist policies of Barack Obama, even if Republicans take over control of Congress next year.
Dr. Jerome Corsi is author of the 2008 New York Times bestseller The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality (Threshold Editions, August 2008), which was recently released in paperback. He says since taking office, Obama has taken the American government in an ideologically left direction, as he warned about in the book. Corsi says the president is determined to transform the United States into a European-style social welfare state. But he believes Obama's agenda has proven to be enormously unpopular and will cost the Democrats dearly in the upcoming midterm elections. "I'm not sure what it will take to reverse the United States back into a market economy after we're got this much entitlement programs," notes the author. "The social welfare state here is beginning to look like the social welfare state in Greece -- and they're very difficult to reverse." As he puts it, when that happens "people riot in the streets if you try to take away their benefits -- even when the government can't pay for it."
Holocaust could happen again, warns expert
In Israel today, as it does every year on the 27th day of the Hebrew month of Nisan, Israel came to a standstill at 10 AM as air raid sirens blared across the country commemorating the senseless massacre of six million Jews in the Nazi Holocaust.
As memorial ceremonies were held at several locations, a prominent Israeli-British historian warned that the slogan "Never Again" is fading, and that there is a very real possibility for a repeat of the Holocaust.
In his new book "A Lethal Obsession: Anti-Semitism from Antiquity to the Global Jihad," Hebrew University Professor Robert Wistrich explains that the politics and social attitudes that gave rise to and allowed the Nazi Holocaust to occur are still very much with us. "We are in an era once again where the Jews are facing genocidal threats as a people," Wistrich said in an interview with Ha'aretz. "We have not been in that situation for quite a while. And maybe this is the first time since the Holocaust that Jews feel that this is palpable." Wistrich also acknowledged the enormous rise in anti-Semitism in Europe in recent years, fueled largely by more brazen Muslim populations there. An annual study done by Tel Aviv University titled "Anti-Semitism Worldwide" revealed that attacks on and harassment of Jews doubled in 2009, especially in Europe and Canada.
In 2008 there were 559 reported incidents of anti-Semitism worldwide. In 2009 that number jumped to 1,129. The UK was the biggest offender, with anti-Semitic incidents there increasing from 112 in 2008 to 374 in 2009. France was close behind, with 50 anti-Semitic incidents in 2008 and 195 in 2009. Canada saw an increase from just 13 anti-Semitic incidents in 2008 to 138 incidents in 2009. The report noted that the enormous jump in just one year can be attributed to the blurring of lines between hatred of Jews as a people and condemnation of Israel as a nation. In other words, and as many Israelis and friends of Israel have warned, anti-Israel sentiment is the new anti-Semitism.
In another note, a top US energy industry expert believes Israel is going to soon experience an "oil and gas rush" by major Western energy development companies. A natural gas field off Israel's Mediterranean coast had drawn the attention of every major Western energy company.
Israeli companies Delek and Isramco have already tapped the natural gas field, together with British energy giant Noble Energy.
That could mean an enormous economic boom for Israel and its transformation overnight into a major international energy exporter.
Is Obama targeting Israel's nuclear program? Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided suddenly late last week to not attend this week's US-hosted nuclear arms summit. Israeli Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Atomic Affairs Dan Meridor will represent Israel in Netanyahu's stead.
According to Netanyahu's office, the decision was made after learning that Egypt and Turkey intended to turn the summit into an international effort to bring an end to Israel's nuclear program. Without the Israeli leader in attendance, it will be much more difficult to do that.
But Israel's Ma'ariv daily newspaper reported just before the weekend that it may not have been only Egypt and Turkey that planned to ambush Netanyahu.
Scientists at Israel's nuclear reactor in Dimona told the newspaper that for the past several months, they have been unable to obtain visas to enter the US and attend American universities, where in the past they regularly advanced their knowledge in the fields of physics, chemistry and nuclear engineering.
The scientists said the Obama Administration has placed an unofficial embargo on parts and supplies needed for the Dimona reactor.
Is it possible that Obama himself intended to strong-arm Netanyahu into finally signing Israel up to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty? Considering tensions between the two leaders in recent months and Obama's near-outright hostility toward Israel, many in Jerusalem believe that to be the case.
As is the case after a weekend, Monday mornings news headlines again reafirm that we are living in the last day. Along with the headlines of the latest earthquakes that are happening almost daily, the increase in unrest among the nations, the economic hardships, the breaking down of marriages and homes, the lack of being a witness of what God has done in our own lives, truly. it would "be a good day to fly." KEEP LOOKING UP!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
An Important Sign
An unmistakable signs of the Last Days is the rebuilding of the temple.
Almost two thousand years ago, after nearly two years of terrible seige, the brutally efficient legions of Rome destroyed Jerusalem and burned the Temple to the ground. Led by General Titus, the son of Emperor Vespasian, the Roman army completed its mission of destruction on the ninth day of Av (August) in A.D. 70.
The glorious temple, built by King Herod, was the second of the sacred temples to stand on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The First Temple had been built by King Solomon approximately 1000 B.C. and was destroyed by the Babylonians in 587 B.C.. The Second Temple that was built by the Jews who returned to Jerusalem following the Babylonian Captivity in 536 B.C. remains in ruins today.
However, exciting developments are taking place in Israel that will result in a Third Temple being built again on the ancient foundations that Solomon put in place nearly three thousand years ago. You and I are part of the prophetic generation that will live to see a Temple of God once again stand in Jerusalem, the spiritual crossroads o the world.
The rebuilding of the Temple has profound prophetic significance equal to the appearance of the Antichrist or the forming of the pagan armies to invade Israel in the coming Battle of Gog and Magog. Many students of biblical prophecy have debated the role that will be played by the Third Temple in end-times developments. But the scriptures make it clear that just before Christ returns, the Third Temple of God must stand once more on its original location on the
Temple Mount.
In his book, Grant R. Jeffrey looks not only at the advancing plans and preparations to rebuild the Temple, but also at closely related developments, such as the training of Levite priests, the discovery of long-lost Temple treasures, developments in locating the Ark of the Covenant and returning it to Jerusalem, and the discovery of ancient vessels and artifacts that are required for Temple sacrifice and worship. With a new Sanhedrin in place, with some five hundred Levites being trained in the requirements of Temple sacrifice, and with lost treasures from Solomon’s Temple being located and returned to Jerusalem, it is no longer just a dream that God’s Temple will once again stand on the Temple Mount.
It would be well worth your time to read this book, which is available through the ABI Class, or in our book store.
We look forward to seeing you in Sunday School and Worship today at Grand Strand Baptist Church. Truly today would be a 'great day to fly.'
Almost two thousand years ago, after nearly two years of terrible seige, the brutally efficient legions of Rome destroyed Jerusalem and burned the Temple to the ground. Led by General Titus, the son of Emperor Vespasian, the Roman army completed its mission of destruction on the ninth day of Av (August) in A.D. 70.
The glorious temple, built by King Herod, was the second of the sacred temples to stand on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The First Temple had been built by King Solomon approximately 1000 B.C. and was destroyed by the Babylonians in 587 B.C.. The Second Temple that was built by the Jews who returned to Jerusalem following the Babylonian Captivity in 536 B.C. remains in ruins today.
However, exciting developments are taking place in Israel that will result in a Third Temple being built again on the ancient foundations that Solomon put in place nearly three thousand years ago. You and I are part of the prophetic generation that will live to see a Temple of God once again stand in Jerusalem, the spiritual crossroads o the world.
The rebuilding of the Temple has profound prophetic significance equal to the appearance of the Antichrist or the forming of the pagan armies to invade Israel in the coming Battle of Gog and Magog. Many students of biblical prophecy have debated the role that will be played by the Third Temple in end-times developments. But the scriptures make it clear that just before Christ returns, the Third Temple of God must stand once more on its original location on the
Temple Mount.
In his book, Grant R. Jeffrey looks not only at the advancing plans and preparations to rebuild the Temple, but also at closely related developments, such as the training of Levite priests, the discovery of long-lost Temple treasures, developments in locating the Ark of the Covenant and returning it to Jerusalem, and the discovery of ancient vessels and artifacts that are required for Temple sacrifice and worship. With a new Sanhedrin in place, with some five hundred Levites being trained in the requirements of Temple sacrifice, and with lost treasures from Solomon’s Temple being located and returned to Jerusalem, it is no longer just a dream that God’s Temple will once again stand on the Temple Mount.
It would be well worth your time to read this book, which is available through the ABI Class, or in our book store.
We look forward to seeing you in Sunday School and Worship today at Grand Strand Baptist Church. Truly today would be a 'great day to fly.'
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Coming Apart At The Seams
I came across an interesting article today concerning the internal protection of our country from the forces that would want us done away with.
Al-Qaida can be expected to attempt an attack on the United States in the next three to six months, senior U.S. intelligence officials told Congress Tuesday.The terrorist organization is deploying operatives to the United States to carry out new attacks from inside the country, including "clean" recruits with a negligible trail of terrorist contacts, CIA Director Leon Panetta said.
The chilling warning comes as Christmas Day airline attack suspect Umar Farouk Abdulmutullab is cooperating with federal investigators, a federal law enforcement official said Tuesday.Al-Qaida is also inspiring homegrown extremists to trigger violence on their own,
Panetta said.The annual assessment of the nation's terror threats provided no startling new terror trends, but amplified growing concerns since the Christmas Day airline attack in Detroit that militants are growing harder to detect and moving more quickly in their plots."The biggest threat is not so much that we face an attack like 9/11. It is that al-Qaida is adapting its methods in ways that oftentimes make it difficult to detect," Panetta told the Senate Intelligence Committee.
Several senators tangled over whether suspected terrorists should be tried in civilian or military court. At the same time, a group of bipartisan lawmakers introduced legislation that would force the Obama administration to backtrack on its plans to try Sept. 11 defendants in federal court in New York and use military tribunals instead.
As al-Qaida presses new terror plots, it is increasingly relying on new recruits with minimal training and simple devices to carry out attacks, Panetta said as part of the terror assessment to Congress.Panetta also warned of the danger of extremists acting alone: "It's the lone-wolf strategy that I think we have to pay attention to as the main threat to this country," he said.
And then I am reminded that Rome fell from within. When we see what is happening in our homes and marriages, our schools, our country, you could say that we are "coming apart at the seams." Our only 'hope' is to look up, 'for our redemption is drawing nigh.'
Well, we are coming close to our departure date for our trip to Israel, and walking in the paths of our Lord. Please keep us in your prayers fo safty, and good health of all going. I am hoping to give updates along the way.
We are looking forward to another Lord's day as we worship together, Sunday. remember to keep looking up, for truly "today would be a beautiful day to fly."
Al-Qaida can be expected to attempt an attack on the United States in the next three to six months, senior U.S. intelligence officials told Congress Tuesday.The terrorist organization is deploying operatives to the United States to carry out new attacks from inside the country, including "clean" recruits with a negligible trail of terrorist contacts, CIA Director Leon Panetta said.
The chilling warning comes as Christmas Day airline attack suspect Umar Farouk Abdulmutullab is cooperating with federal investigators, a federal law enforcement official said Tuesday.Al-Qaida is also inspiring homegrown extremists to trigger violence on their own,
Panetta said.The annual assessment of the nation's terror threats provided no startling new terror trends, but amplified growing concerns since the Christmas Day airline attack in Detroit that militants are growing harder to detect and moving more quickly in their plots."The biggest threat is not so much that we face an attack like 9/11. It is that al-Qaida is adapting its methods in ways that oftentimes make it difficult to detect," Panetta told the Senate Intelligence Committee.
Several senators tangled over whether suspected terrorists should be tried in civilian or military court. At the same time, a group of bipartisan lawmakers introduced legislation that would force the Obama administration to backtrack on its plans to try Sept. 11 defendants in federal court in New York and use military tribunals instead.
As al-Qaida presses new terror plots, it is increasingly relying on new recruits with minimal training and simple devices to carry out attacks, Panetta said as part of the terror assessment to Congress.Panetta also warned of the danger of extremists acting alone: "It's the lone-wolf strategy that I think we have to pay attention to as the main threat to this country," he said.
And then I am reminded that Rome fell from within. When we see what is happening in our homes and marriages, our schools, our country, you could say that we are "coming apart at the seams." Our only 'hope' is to look up, 'for our redemption is drawing nigh.'
Well, we are coming close to our departure date for our trip to Israel, and walking in the paths of our Lord. Please keep us in your prayers fo safty, and good health of all going. I am hoping to give updates along the way.
We are looking forward to another Lord's day as we worship together, Sunday. remember to keep looking up, for truly "today would be a beautiful day to fly."
Friday, April 9, 2010
Perfectly Fearless Love
As we listen and read about what is happening in the world today, our hearts can be gripped with fear if we are not carful to remenber God's Word. Truly, we are living in days like we have never seen before. What used to be is no more, except God's Word. It is the same yesterday, today and forever; it will never change!
1 John 4:18 says, "There is no fear in love; instead, perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment (torment). So the one who fears has not reached perfection in love".
Than look at what Romans says, "1 Therefore, since we have been declared righteous by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Also through Him, we have obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. 3 And not only that, but we also rejoice in our afflictions, because we know that affliction produces endurance, 4 endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope. 5 This hope does not disappoint, because God’s love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Romans 5:1-5 (HCSB).
Are you gripped with fear over something? Maybe it could be the uncertainity of today. God's love for you could be the answer to overcoming your fear. As a child, did you have a special blanket that gave you a sense of security - you just wanted to hold it close and wrap up in it? The Holy Spirit of God is the believer's warm, loving "security blanket." As John says, "there is no fear in love, for perfect love casts out fear."
Another translation of this verse says, " We have no fear of someone who loves us perfectly." God's perfect love can eliminate all dread fear. It is not our love for Him, but His perfect love for us that will cast out our fears. The question is not "are you brave enough to face your fears?" The question is, "Do you trust His love enough?"
Well, it is another day closer to our departing for Israel next week. So much to do and so little time to do it. Keep us in your prayer, as well for the services here.
Truly, it would be a good day to fly! Keep looking up!
1 John 4:18 says, "There is no fear in love; instead, perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment (torment). So the one who fears has not reached perfection in love".
Than look at what Romans says, "1 Therefore, since we have been declared righteous by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Also through Him, we have obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. 3 And not only that, but we also rejoice in our afflictions, because we know that affliction produces endurance, 4 endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope. 5 This hope does not disappoint, because God’s love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Romans 5:1-5 (HCSB).
Are you gripped with fear over something? Maybe it could be the uncertainity of today. God's love for you could be the answer to overcoming your fear. As a child, did you have a special blanket that gave you a sense of security - you just wanted to hold it close and wrap up in it? The Holy Spirit of God is the believer's warm, loving "security blanket." As John says, "there is no fear in love, for perfect love casts out fear."
Another translation of this verse says, " We have no fear of someone who loves us perfectly." God's perfect love can eliminate all dread fear. It is not our love for Him, but His perfect love for us that will cast out our fears. The question is not "are you brave enough to face your fears?" The question is, "Do you trust His love enough?"
Well, it is another day closer to our departing for Israel next week. So much to do and so little time to do it. Keep us in your prayer, as well for the services here.
Truly, it would be a good day to fly! Keep looking up!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Earthquakes In Divers Places
Recent events in Haiti, Chili, New Mexico and Indonesia just this week, have caused many Christians to ask, “Are earthquakes increasing in the way that Jesus said they would in the period leading up to the Tribulation? His words are among the most forthright and unequivocal ever spoken. There can be no mistake about what He said: “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. “All these are the beginning of sorrows” (Matt. 24:7,8).
In January and February of this year, those who search the Scriptures and watch for His return marked those words well, wondering with renewed interest whether His coming was being foreshadowed by the prophesied global events.
In January and February of this year, those who search the Scriptures and watch for His return marked those words well, wondering with renewed interest whether His coming was being foreshadowed by the prophesied global events.
During the week of March 1st through 7th, there were 85 earthquakes inIt was truly a globe-shaking event. Seismologists who measured it, say that it may have shortened the length of Earth’s day by 1.26 microseconds. They also calculated a change in the Earth’s axis of rotation,
which they say moved by 8 centimeters (3.25 inches)! Ae we think bout this we are reminded of the words of Isaiah the prophet, when he wrote about the massive earthquakes in the coming
which they say moved by 8 centimeters (3.25 inches)! Ae we think bout this we are reminded of the words of Isaiah the prophet, when he wrote about the massive earthquakes in the coming
“The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly.“The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again. “And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth” (Is. 24:19-21).
Keep us in your prayers for the upcoming trip to Israel next week, as we "walk the paths where Jesus walked." We will be posting updates along the way.
It sure would be a "Good Day To Fly." Keep Looking Up!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Are your bags packed?
As I was reading Joel Rosenburg;s Weblog that morning, this article fits right into our discussion last night in the ABI Class. I thought it might be of interest to you as well.
This morning I woke up to read an AP story about the White House decision “to remove terms such as ‘Islamic radicalism’ from a document outlining national security strategy.” It never ceases to amaze me how many in Washington don’t understand the threat of Radical Islam to the U.S., much less the Biblical command to bless Israel and her neighbors in the name of Jesus. But I believe the Church must.
President Barack Obama's advisers plan to remove terms such as "Islamic radicalism" from a document outlining national security strategy and will use the new version to emphasize that the U.S. does not view Muslim nations through the lens of terrorism, counterterrorism officials say.
The change would be a significant shift in the National Security Strategy, a document that previously outlined the Bush Doctrine of preventive war. It currently states, "The struggle against militant Islamic radicalism is the great ideological conflict of the early years of the 21st century."
The officials described the changes on condition of anonymity because the document is still being written and is unlikely to be released for weeks, and the White House would not discuss it. But rewriting the strategy document is the latest example of Obama putting his stamp on U.S. foreign policy, as with his promises to dismantle nuclear weapons and limit the situations in which they can be used.
The revisions are part of a larger effort about which the White House talks openly, one that seeks to change not just how the U.S. talks to Muslim nations, but also what it talks to them about, from health care and science to business startups and education.
That shift away from terrorism has been building for a year, since Obama went to Cairo and promised a "new beginning" in the relationship between the U.S. and the Muslim world.
It is definitely a "Good Day To Fly", Keep looking up!
This morning I woke up to read an AP story about the White House decision “to remove terms such as ‘Islamic radicalism’ from a document outlining national security strategy.” It never ceases to amaze me how many in Washington don’t understand the threat of Radical Islam to the U.S., much less the Biblical command to bless Israel and her neighbors in the name of Jesus. But I believe the Church must.
President Barack Obama's advisers plan to remove terms such as "Islamic radicalism" from a document outlining national security strategy and will use the new version to emphasize that the U.S. does not view Muslim nations through the lens of terrorism, counterterrorism officials say.
The change would be a significant shift in the National Security Strategy, a document that previously outlined the Bush Doctrine of preventive war. It currently states, "The struggle against militant Islamic radicalism is the great ideological conflict of the early years of the 21st century."
The officials described the changes on condition of anonymity because the document is still being written and is unlikely to be released for weeks, and the White House would not discuss it. But rewriting the strategy document is the latest example of Obama putting his stamp on U.S. foreign policy, as with his promises to dismantle nuclear weapons and limit the situations in which they can be used.
The revisions are part of a larger effort about which the White House talks openly, one that seeks to change not just how the U.S. talks to Muslim nations, but also what it talks to them about, from health care and science to business startups and education.
That shift away from terrorism has been building for a year, since Obama went to Cairo and promised a "new beginning" in the relationship between the U.S. and the Muslim world.
It is definitely a "Good Day To Fly", Keep looking up!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
ABI Class Update
ABI Class April 6, 2010 Fifty three were in attendance tonight for our prophecy class. Thanks to all those who cooked and brought food for tonight's class.
As we consider all that is going on in the world today, it would "be a good day to fly".
Before the class began, we heard of an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 has rattled northern Sumatra in Indonesia. The quake struck at 2215 GMT (5:15 a.m. local time) and was 205 kilometers (125 miles) northwest of Sibolga, in Sumatra, Indonesia and 1,425 kilometers (880 miles) northwest of Jakarta. A tsunami watch was issued for the region.
And than we were reminded of the mining disaster in West Virginia, where at this posting, there were 25 who had lost their lives.
We will not be having class next week, April 13th and April 20th, but watch this blog, your e-mail, and "Could Fly Today" web site.
Pray for those in our Church Family and for the trip to Israel next week.
Keep looking up!
As we consider all that is going on in the world today, it would "be a good day to fly".
Before the class began, we heard of an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 has rattled northern Sumatra in Indonesia. The quake struck at 2215 GMT (5:15 a.m. local time) and was 205 kilometers (125 miles) northwest of Sibolga, in Sumatra, Indonesia and 1,425 kilometers (880 miles) northwest of Jakarta. A tsunami watch was issued for the region.
And than we were reminded of the mining disaster in West Virginia, where at this posting, there were 25 who had lost their lives.
We will not be having class next week, April 13th and April 20th, but watch this blog, your e-mail, and "Could Fly Today" web site.
Pray for those in our Church Family and for the trip to Israel next week.
Keep looking up!
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